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stuck on deleting

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    Hi there again, I got some good guidance from Grahamthomson and so downloaded software ver. 1.01.09 onto a stik and tried to flash the firmware but because I am locked out of 'Installation' and 'Storage' I cannot get this to run (yes I did unzip the file).
    I am still not sure if I should be chasing a fault in the operating system or on the HDD or a damaged HDD . More advice would b very welcome. Thanks Willie

    | Thu 6 Feb 2014 10:26:46 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Willie - 31 minutes ago  » 
    tried to flash the firmware but because I am locked out of 'Installation' and 'Storage' I cannot get this to run (yes I did unzip the file).

    How did you try to do this? There is no need to get into any menu. You put the box in standby wait until the hard drive has stopped spinning, plug in the USB stick and bring the box out of standby.

    I am still not sure if I should be chasing a fault in the operating system or on the HDD or a damaged HDD .

    The problem is very well understood. The file that keeps track of the files to be deleted has become confused; it is not a fault in the operating system.

    Personally I think the best fix these days is to install the custom firmware and use fix-disk which will fix the delete loop problem but will also check the integrity of the file system and correct it if necessary. The hard disk diagnostics will then allow a judgement to be made on the health of the hard drive.

    | Thu 6 Feb 2014 11:05:00 #2 |
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    My machine has also started doing this. on looking at the threads I downloaded the 1.01.09 vis a USB. The deleting problem was ended.
    I then updated the software via the same route and the deleting problem has reappeared. Noiw stuck please?

    | Wed 27 Jul 2016 15:50:18 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    chrisp_69 - 1 hour ago  » 
    My machine has also started doing this. on looking at the threads I downloaded the 1.01.09 vis a USB. The deleting problem was ended.
    I then updated the software via the same route and the deleting problem has reappeared. Noiw stuck please?

    Did you reformat the drive whilst 1.01.09 was installed? The best to attack this problem is to install the custom firmware and use the fix-disk utility.

    | Wed 27 Jul 2016 17:11:37 #4 |
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    apologies but I do not understand. How would I reformat the hard drive? Do I assume you mean enter via the menu options, unfortunately these are mostly greyed out, although if you point me in then right direction I will try again.

    You then say the best way if to install the custom firmware. I assume this is instead of doing the above? Where will I find that to download though please? ...and then you say use the "fix-disk" utility. Again I assume that is within the menu options on the machine is it?... and again I assume this will not be greyed out now when I have completed the above?

    | Thu 28 Jul 2016 7:11:08 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    chrisp_69 - 2 hours ago  » 
    apologies but I do not understand. How would I reformat the hard drive?

    Menu Button> Settings>Installation (default code is 0000) >Default Settings - tick the HDD format box and select Yes.

    Do I assume you mean enter via the menu options, unfortunately these are mostly greyed out.

    If the relevant options are greyed out then the Custom Firmware is the only option.

    You then say the best way if to install the custom firmware. I assume this is instead of doing the above?

    Yes it is an alternative and better way of attempting to fix the problem because it MAY preserve the existing recordings and will allow you to get an indication of the health of the hard drive to make an intelligent estimate of whether it needs replacing.

    Where will I find that to download though please?

    Try reading the relevant FAQ on this site Link to FAQ on fixing hard drive problems

    ...and then you say use the "fix-disk" utility. Again I assume that is within the menu options on the machine is it?... and again I assume this will not be greyed out now when I have completed the above?

    No the Custom Firmware sits alongside the standard firmware and hence has to be accessed independently from a computer.

    | Thu 28 Jul 2016 10:24:06 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle - 2 minutes ago  » 
    If the relevant options are greyed out then the Custom Firmware is the only option.

    Dosn't loading version 1.01.09 un grey them?

    | Thu 28 Jul 2016 10:30:13 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Luke - 1 hour ago  » 

    Martin Liddle - 2 minutes ago  » 
    If the relevant options are greyed out then the Custom Firmware is the only option.

    Dosn't loading version 1.01.09 un grey them?

    I take it that question is aimed at the OP?

    | Thu 28 Jul 2016 11:38:57 #8 |

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