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STVPlayer Postcode Accept Not Working

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    HDR1100S in Scotland, box has my postcode OK.
    It's possible I've not used STV player before but I thought I had.
    Nonetheless last night I attempted to use it.

    STV player startup (now) requires a postcode. Either from On Demand or TV guide. A postcode with a green tick is already filled in on that page and an accept button highlit. However clicking OK on the remote doesn't do anything.
    I tried clearing and re-entering the postcode on the STV startup page again obtaining a green tick and highlit accept button. OK still didn't do anything.

    Can anyone shed any light on this? I've searched here and elsewhere and this does not seem to have occurred before.

    | Mon 16 Sep 2024 8:40:49 #1 |
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    I have exactly the same problem, does anyone have a solution yet?

    | Sun 22 Sep 2024 17:37:36 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    colinsmithathome - 6 days ago  » 
    HDR1100S in Scotland, box has my postcode OK.
    It's possible I've not used STV player before but I thought I had.
    Nonetheless last night I attempted to use it.
    STV player startup (now) requires a postcode. Either from On Demand or TV guide. A postcode with a green tick is already filled in on that page and an accept button highlit. However clicking OK on the remote doesn't do anything.

    You might want to check with STV support as to whether STV player is still supported on the HDR-1100S.

    | Sun 22 Sep 2024 18:02:30 #3 |

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