My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » Aura UHD

Sub titles.

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    Posts: 157


    Evening, I've just received my Aura box, and intend to set it up within the next couple of days.
    My Question is. DO you turn the Subtitles on, and off using the S/ad button on the remote control, or is there another way? thank you for your time replying.

    | Tue 2 Nov 2021 19:04:59 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    I use the S/AD button occasionally if I am finding dialogue hard to follow.

    If you requires them to be on permanently you can set this via:

    Channels & Broadcast
    Scroll down to Subtitles and enable.

    | Tue 2 Nov 2021 20:52:16 #2 |
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    special member
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    Posts: 157


    Man Thanks Barry. I really do appreciate your reply.

    | Wed 3 Nov 2021 18:58:45 #3 |
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    We've enjoyed Humax PVRs for over 10 years now, they are superb. We've just purchased an Aura UHD recorder which has all the benefits of our previous 500T plus a few more, the most exciting of which we anticipated being able to stream pre-recorded programmes direct to our phones & devices, but there is one HUGE subtitles! There appears to be no subtitle option when streaming, even though they have been recorded.
    As a Deaf family audio is of no use, we rely on subtitles only. Whilst we can enjoy subtitles on playback from the Aura to our TV, they are not available to our mobiles, Xiaomi (Android) and Apple products.
    This is hugely disappointing and appears to be an omission, but I'm very happy to be corrected!
    Given that access for Deaf viewers has slowly been improving on terrestrial TV, would Humax propose rectifying this we wonder, as we are considering returning our Aura, sticking with the 'old' 500T?
    One in 7 of the population have some degree of deafness; 60% of those over 65 also experience a degree of hearing loss (though few will admit this!) and would benefit from subtitles.
    Is anyone aware of a 'work around' please?
    Many thanks.

    | Sat 6 Nov 2021 16:23:03 #4 |
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    Posts: 1


    I recall choosing size of the subtitle text during setup, but now can't find where to change that. Nny clues?

    | Mon 2 May 2022 8:06:18 #5 |

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