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Subtitle problems on HDR-1000S

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    Has anyone else experienced problems with subtitles on the latest software? I've had a customer brought a hdr-1000s into me today saying that Subtitles won't always appear. If you then go to the accessibility menu and turn subtitle display to the opposite setting to the one it's on, they will then come up. The customer thinks it started when he updated the software (he turns his box off overnight so it doesn't do it automatically) and he lost the display panel icons at the same time. Having searched on here I found the problems with the last software causing re-booting and loss of icons, and the link to download the latest new improved version. I've done that and it has re-instated the icons, but subtitles are still hit and miss. I've tried my display hdr1100s which has version 2.02.46 from the factory and it also seems to have subtitle issues.

    I'm wondering if this is something that also got messed up in the last auto-upgrade, but Humax may not have been aware of as no-one has complained about it?

    | Sat 1 Aug 2015 15:50:58 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Do not normally use sub titles, but have just checked a couple of recorded programmes and they appear to be fine.

    Any particular programme/channel?

    | Sat 1 Aug 2015 20:27:40 #2 |
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    Subtitles on the 1000s should get a Queens award for Industry. They are a delight to use and work faultlessly on my 1000s and (touch wood) always have done.

    | Sat 1 Aug 2015 22:04:52 #3 |
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    I had a problem with subtitles coming and going on a different Humax box, the HDR2000T. No idea if it could be a similar cause. I took the box back to JL and swapped it for a Panasonic. On which, as with every other PVR I've owned, the subtitles have been trouble -free (in the sense that the box can be relied on to display subtitles if available and requested).

    I never learned the cause of the 2000T problem but it only seemed to affect the (then recently launched) COM7 channels.

    | Sun 2 Aug 2015 8:26:09 #4 |
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    JamesB - 6 hours ago  » 
    I had a problem with subtitles coming and going on a different Humax box, the HDR2000T. No idea if it could be a similar cause. I took the box back to JL and swapped it for a Panasonic. On which, as with every other PVR I've owned, the subtitles have been trouble -free (in the sense that the box can be relied on to display subtitles if available and requested).
    I never learned the cause of the 2000T problem but it only seemed to affect the (then recently launched) COM7 channels.

    Again they work very well on all channels on my 2000T - just requires one more button press than the 1000s for activation/deactivation.

    They work too on our HWT120 though takes more button presses.

    | Sun 2 Aug 2015 15:24:44 #5 |
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    I've just checked my 1000S; the latest software downloaded automatically and subtitles are working ok on both live and recorded programmes. Pleased to have the front panel displays back, especially the recording icon.

    | Sun 2 Aug 2015 20:17:58 #6 |
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    TomTreb - 1 hour ago  » 
    I've just checked my 1000S; the latest software downloaded automatically and subtitles are working ok on both live and recorded programmes. Pleased to have the front panel displays back, especially the recording icon.

    You will be a tad disappointed then when the time comes to replace your current model.

    | Sun 2 Aug 2015 21:25:48 #7 |
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    It seems to affect all channels.

    After a bit of further investigation it seems to be when the unit is first powered up the subtitles don't work until you've changed the settings in the menu. I'll get in touch with Humax today and see what they've got to say.

    | Mon 3 Aug 2015 8:33:57 #8 |


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    My bet is they will suggest a reset to default.

    | Mon 3 Aug 2015 9:01:16 #9 |
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    Spoke to technical, they weren't aware of a problem but will investigate it. Interestingly I did a factory reset on my HDR1100S before calling them, and they didn't work at first.

    | Mon 3 Aug 2015 11:04:00 #10 |

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