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Swapping Humax hard drive.

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    We recently replaced our Humax with a Panasonic after issues with our new TV. I was going to dump it, but had a change of heart and connected it to another TV, it works fine except that the Aerial in connection is very touch and go, it's not the cable as that works fine when just connected to the TV, jiggling the cable when connected to the Humax alters the picture quality,so I take it the socket on the box is the issue, I've looked at it and slightly crimped the centre connection to grip better,with no luck. I am not confident to repair it and can't get anyone to do it,unless I pay an extortionate call out fee. I have seen a lot of the same model Humax boxes for sale on eBay, if I was to buy one could I swap the hard drive from my Humax to it, I have a lot of mainly music concerts I watch a lot.

    | Sat 24 Oct 2020 12:29:49 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Going to assume you have a HDR-Fox-T2, as a HD FOX T2 does not have a hard drive.

    You would need to install the custom firmware on the new one to make HD recordings on the HDD usable.

    If the recordings are SD you should be able to copy them using the original drive to a usb storage device for safe keeping.

    You could also mount the hard drive in a usb cradle or similar and replay them directly using a replacement box.

    There is thread on Hummy.TV. Things that every HDR-Fox-T2 owners should know.

    See the notes about the CF.

    | Sat 24 Oct 2020 14:57:30 #2 |
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    deneva - 2 hours ago  » 
    I have seen a lot of the same model Humax boxes for sale on eBay, if I was to buy one could I swap the hard drive from my Humax to it, I have a lot of mainly music concerts I watch a lot.

    Please would clarify which recorder you are enquiring about?
    You have posted in the HD FOX T2 sub forum and the HD FOX T2 does not have an internal hard drive, but you have mentioned "swap" instead of "switch" which suggests that it is not the HD FOX T2 that you are enquiring about.
    Also your previous post was for a satellite recorder.

    If it is really an HDR-FOX T2 that you have then, no, it isn't as simple as just swapping the hard drive.

    With the HDR-FOX T2 all recordings are encrypted and initially can only be played by the HDR-FOX T2 that recorded them.
    However, if any are SD (standard definition), or radio recordings, then the act of copying them to a USB memory device will decrypt the copy and these can be played by any other HDR-FOX T2.

    HD recordings are a bit more tricky and you will need to discuss elsewhere as this site general frowns on discussing ways about geting around HD encryption to the level of detail that you would need to know.

    | Sat 24 Oct 2020 15:05:46 #3 |

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