My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T

T9200 mains hum when paused

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    I get terrible mains hum when live or recorded is paused or between camera shots and if picture switched to bright scene.
    The hum level is dependent on the TV (LG) volume setting but to eliminate the hum with the TV control the max T9200 volume is not loud enough unless in very quite situation such as very late at night.
    I have replced the scart twice with gold plated pins but not expensive cables. its just TV and Hummy no DVD player etc. The cables do run together through small hole at rear of cabinet.
    the HDD packed in a while ago and I have repleced it with larger one, could that be anything to do with it..

    | Thu 15 Sep 2011 9:47:14 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    Unplug all other electrical equipment in the room. Try plugging the 9200T into a different wall socket to that used by the TV.

    | Thu 15 Sep 2011 9:52:40 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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