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The 9200 --:-- clock problem.

(56 posts)
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    Many thanks all who have responded. I've spent hours doing test recordings and settings adjustments.

    First thing to note is that timer recordings which begin while the box is on DO record and don't wipe the rec schedule. The previous failure must have been a one-off.

    Biggles may be onto the answer with the 9300 'return to default' bug. After a standby, it does indeed wipe my settings for aspect ratio, skip times, Rec schedule etc. (Just switching the box to Standby is enough to reset to defaults and wipe the Rec Schedule. It doesn't require a failed timed recording.) Did they come up with an solution on the 9300?

    As to the RTC, what should I conclude from the fact that the set always comes on at the programmed time, yet fails to start recording, just outputting audio? (Audio of the channel it had been tuned to, not the channel I set to record, btw).

    It has clearly remembered the time - and suggests whatever wiping goes on, happens at startup rather than at switch off or the time in between. RTC exonerated???

    To add to the fun, I have now found that sometimes it WILL perform a timer recording. This occurred twice after I speculatively changed the 'Power Saving In Standby' to 'On' from the default 'Off'. Sadly, it mostly doesn't work, and I can't find any pattern as to why.

    Thanks again for your suggestions. I hope you can generate some more with the new info.

    | Fri 22 Jul 2016 14:51:09 #51 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    woodface7 - 1 hour ago  » 
    Did they come up with an solution on the 9300?

    The only workaround that I am aware of is not to put the box into standby.

    As to the RTC, what should I conclude from the fact that the set always comes on at the programmed time, yet fails to start recording, just outputting audio?

    I wouldn't have expected it to output anything if it has woken up to do a recording.

    It has clearly remembered the time - and suggests whatever wiping goes on, happens at startup rather than at switch off or the time in between. RTC exonerated???

    Yes I agree with both points.

    | Fri 22 Jul 2016 16:46:38 #52 |
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    Sorry - bit late to the party here! Anyway, I have a couple of 9200s which a while ago started to exhibit this problem with the clock in standby. I'm quite happy to have a go at effecting this fix, but I was wondering if it would be possible for the OP (or someone else) to post some photos illustrating exactly what needs cleaning? A picture paints a thousand words and all that...



    | Sat 18 Feb 2017 15:20:27 #53 |
  4. Biggles


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    3guesses - 2 hours ago  » 
    Sorry - bit late to the party here! Anyway, I have a couple of 9200s which a while ago started to exhibit this problem with the clock in standby. I'm quite happy to have a go at effecting this fix, but I was wondering if it would be possible for the OP (or someone else) to post some photos illustrating exactly what needs cleaning? A picture paints a thousand words and all that...

    I found this site a couple of years ago and thought 'what a coincidence him coming up with my findings' but after 'having a word' with him he did link to the original DigitalSpy thread also linked here in the FAQ. I thought my description of the area to be cleaned was fairly clear but the linked site does have photos which you might find useful. Use ordinary household meths for the cleaning, the purple stuff. All the best, I still use my 9200.

    | Sat 18 Feb 2017 18:11:50 #54 |
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    When my T1010 died recently (temporarily, fortunately) I reactivated my old 9200T. This has had the clock problem occur several times in the past, but it turned on and worked perfectly after a long period of inaction. Maybe the clock track contamination can eventually be cured by cleaning the area over and over. I used Isopropyl alcohol the last time. If you still have your 9200T, this might give you hope

    | Thu 9 May 2019 9:44:30 #55 |
  6. Biggles


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    SteveZ - 11 minutes ago  » 
    When my T1010 died recently (temporarily, fortunately) I reactivated my old 9200T. This has had the clock problem occur several times in the past, but it turned on and worked perfectly after a long period of inaction. Maybe the clock track contamination can eventually be cured by cleaning the area over and over. I used Isopropyl alcohol the last time. If you still have your 9200T, this might give you hope

    My 9200 is still in limited use but with no clock display at the moment. When I get round to cleaning the board I may install an earlier version of software as I think this will get rid of the annoying delay to remote commands.

    | Thu 9 May 2019 10:05:32 #56 |

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