My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

The Dark Side

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    After having 3 faulty Humax FVP 4000t pvrs, I have turned to the dark side and replaced them with the Panasonic DMR-HWT250EB pvr.
    All 3 of the FVP4000t would not come out of standby whilst recording, which resulted in the PVR being switched on most of the time. Humax denied any problem when contacted.
    All became rather warm when switched on, which I suspect may cause further problems down the line. Networking worked intermittently, there were quite a few lock-ups resulting in powering off/on, and finally on the last machine, recordings became more and more pixillated. The final straw being when I arrived home to watch last 30 minutes of Match of The Day (live) on the TV, the following morning I decided to watch the first hour which had been recorded, but it was unwatchable, including the last 30 minutes I had watched last night. So obviously not recording correctly, and had been manually tuned to the correct transmitter.
    So, off I returned to Richer Sounds and decided to give the Panasonic a try. The EPG looks nicer to the eye but takes a couple of seconds to load. Most of the menus seem dated, but all work correctly. The box has a built in fan and remains cool during recording. The remote seems more complicated but maybe I need to get used to it, however there is an info button for programme information including playback.
    My conclusions so far, the Humax is the best on eye menu wise, has 3 tuners but remains flawed software wise and maybe hardware wise later in life due to the excessive heat. The Panasonic has clunky menus, (freeview play front end menu added to the existing menus) but works correctly and seems well built. It has power, standby and recording leds, however only 2 tuners. Only time will tell if I have made the right decision, at the moment the panny seems the more reliable choice. Richer Sounds have been excellent during this.

    | Tue 22 Dec 2015 15:26:47 #1 |
  2. Biggles


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    I wouldn't say the dark side as I have gone that way too with the older DMA-HWT130 to replace my struggling 9200, I prefer to have a front panel display. So far it has been 100% reliable.

    | Wed 23 Dec 2015 16:51:47 #2 |
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    Yes, I needed reliability, able to switch on from standby even when recording. Consistant good quality recordings - no pixallation, network access alway available. The Humax will be possibly be OK in 6-12 months, once the software issues are sorted. However I needed a replacement PVR now.

    | Thu 24 Dec 2015 12:20:37 #3 |
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    Don't forget that if you register the purchase on-line within 30 days you get an extra year's warranty.

    | Sat 26 Dec 2015 23:34:01 #4 |
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    Panasonic - stolidly reliable, not pretty but stable, no new features without buying a new model

    Humax - not as free from glitches as the Panasonic, but more innovative, more potential for ongoing improvement, more engaging.

    Works well, for me, to have both.

    | Sun 27 Dec 2015 12:26:01 #5 |
  6. Biggles


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    JamesB - 2 hours ago  » 
    Panasonic - stolidly reliable, not pretty but stable, no new features without buying a new model
    Humax - not as free from glitches as the Panasonic, but more innovative, more potential for ongoing improvement, more engaging.
    Works well, for me, to have both.

    Not pretty, personal taste of course but the new Humax looks like something you've just taken out of the oven, it's awful as a piece of AV kit.

    | Sun 27 Dec 2015 15:27:00 #6 |
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    I like the HDR1100S. Even my little HB1000S, - some say it's ugly but I like the functional look. As you say, personal taste. But I was actually talking about the Panasonic UI, which I don't like at all.

    | Sun 27 Dec 2015 16:09:16 #7 |


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    JamesB, +1 The HB-1000S is amazing value for money for a second unit with expansion possibilities (Recording) later, if needed.

    | Sun 27 Dec 2015 16:20:49 #8 |
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    I was saying something very similar on here only a few days ago. We have the much older HWT 120 - solidly reliable, UI dated and not particularly well thought out but it never lets you down. We can use the DLNA on the Panasonic from another part of the house to our Panasonic TV in the lounge - works like a charm. The Humax will not do the same to our Sony TV in another room.

    However, with the Panny you cannot watch catch-up if you have a scheduled recording which I find somewhat limiting.

    The Humax 2000T does do what it says on the tin and is better then the Panny in some ways but worse in others.

    I have never ever known the Panasonic either miss a recording or cock one up. The same cannot be said for the Humax - either the Freesat version or the 2000T Freeview. I do however find the HDR 1000s the better of the two Humax PVRs.

    I'm same as JamesB - having both is a good compromise.

    | Sun 27 Dec 2015 16:58:42 #9 |
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    the new Humax looks like something you've just taken out of the oven, it's awful as a piece of AV kit.

    What? You don't like the faux leather top? Sir - there is no hope for you - where is your sense of style?

    | Sun 27 Dec 2015 19:14:08 #10 |

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