My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Transfer of recordings from HDR-T2

(4 posts)
  1. mhargreaves

    Mark Hargreaves

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    Joined: Oct '15
    Posts: 175



    I have just purchased an FVP-4000T. I already have a Humax Fox-HDR-T2 with about quite a lot of recordings already on it! Can you advise what is the best way of transferring these on to the FVP. I have done some by USB and they appear with filename (ie no programme information) in the Media Centre section. Is there a way to transfer the recordings so they appear in the Recordings section with the programme information? Also, I have turned on the FTP server but can only see an empty Recordings folder even though I recorded several things last night.

    | Fri 16 Oct 2015 10:42:58 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    You may be able to transfer files using Windows drive mapping.

    I doubt the programme info contained in the sidecar files on the HDR FOX T2 will be compatible (but you never know your luck )

    | Fri 16 Oct 2015 11:02:00 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    Re your empty recordings folder...

    I suffered from same issue and tried all sorts to fix, only solution that has worked for me was a factory reset of the FVP 4000T......ymmv

    | Fri 16 Oct 2015 13:41:19 #3 |
  4. MontysEvilTwin


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    Joined: Jan '14
    Posts: 240


    The HDR-FOX has three main files: ts, nts and hmt (plus a thumbnail). The ts file is the one that contains the actual recording. The FVP-4000T does not have a hmt file but has hjm file instead: see here. It is probably the hjm file that contains the synopsis information (this is embedded in the ts file too) so you may not see synopsis information for your transferred files. The HDR-FOX will play a standalone ts file but only with limited transport controls (no rewind and fast forward, but the skip forward and back buttons do work). It will not play a ts file if the corresponding nts file is present without the hmt. If you find that your transferred files do not play on th FVP-4000T, try playing the ts files without the nts and hmt file present.

    | Fri 16 Oct 2015 14:19:57 #4 |

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