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transfer problems media controller & humaxrw

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    Joined: Jul '17
    Posts: 4


    Using media controller v1.05 99 times out of 100 says error connecting to device. When it actually connects it has been fine. However now when it does connect 'X' to transfer operates but 'A' for video transfer cannot find the list. However going back and pressing 'L' brings up the list!.
    I connected the disc in an external storage IDE case that outputs USB & tried humaxrw but it could not see it. Can I connect it to the IDE connector on the motherboard and set it as slave and would it be likely to work then. Please assume you are dealing with somebody who has very little computer knowledge in your replies.
    Regards Steve

    | Mon 31 Jul 2017 11:19:23 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    stebowden - 7 minutes ago  » 
    Using media controller v1.05 99 times out of 100 says error connecting to device. When it actually connects it has been fine. However now when it does connect 'X' to transfer operates but 'A' for video transfer cannot find the list. However going back and pressing 'L' brings up the list!.

    Too long ago since I briefly played with Media Controller so I can't say anything useful; maybe someone else can help.

    I connected the disc in an external storage IDE case that outputs USB & tried humaxrw but it could not see it.

    Could you explain exactly what you tried (give commands) and the responses to those commands?

    Can I connect it to the IDE connector on the motherboard and set it as slave and would it be likely to work then.

    Almost certainly not.

    | Mon 31 Jul 2017 11:30:19 #2 |
  3. aldaweb


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 400


    Media controller was always flaky and slow which is why humaxrw (and hummyreadfiles)was written.

    You need to be running humaxrw as administrator if you are using Windows 7 or later. To get the administrator command prompt you press start, type cmd and right click the cmd.exe that shows and select "Run as Administrator"

    There is a graphical front end written by Astronomy over on but the original link I have for it is broken. It should auto select the correct drive for you.

    One other point - I hope you did not allow windows to initialise the drive

    | Mon 31 Jul 2017 21:08:20 #3 |

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