My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

transferring recordings between Freesat PVRs

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    Joined: Nov '22
    Posts: 1


    Hello All.

    I have a Humax 500GB HDR1100S that has given excellent service for about the past nine years.

    Recently a suspected dish to HDR cable problem led to me buying a new universal quad LNB and the professional diagnosis of a failed tuner - bad news.

    Tried an expensive Freesat replacement, which worked fine for 24hrs, then refused to send an HDMI signal to the TV, so back to Argos it went. I have bought a used HDR1000S on Fleabay with 1 TB of storage - handy.

    I have a number of recordings on the 1100S i watch regularly and really don't want to lose them if they can be saved.

    Is there any way to copy or move the recordings to the 1000S in some not over-complicated way? I am pretty handy with IT but would prefer no to disconnect the box from the satellite feed if possible; it's fairly easily upset, as I'm sure you know?

    Many thanks in advance for help and suggestions.

    | Thu 17 Nov 2022 14:49:05 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    piemanpete - 8 mins ago  » 
    I have a number of recordings on the 1100S i watch regularly and really don't want to lose them if they can be saved.

    You might try reading which suggests the recordings are encrypted and hence won't play on a different box.

    | Thu 17 Nov 2022 15:01:26 #2 |

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