Hi Clair,
mickysoft dumbed down windows to make it seem easier; however it sometimes just adds to the confusion.
A directory is called a folder in windows speak, the command 'cd' is short for Change Directory. Once you're at the command prompt you'll use the 'cd' command to move into different folders/directories. Once in a directory you can issue commands or start programs that are contained in that directory/folder
I'm assuming the 'cd humaxrwdir' actually means move the focus of the command prompt to the directory/folder where you've put/saved/copied the humaxrw program.
If you've saved humaxrw into a new folder/directory called humax you would issue the command 'cd c:\humax' (without the apostrophes)
If you've saved humaxrw into a new folder/directory called humax that you created in 'users\clair' then you'd issue the command 'cd c:\users\clair\humax'
once in the directory where you saved humaxrw you can issue another command 'dir' which will list all the files in that directory and you should see your humaxrw program listed.
To use the program you'd issue the command 'humaxrw' and before you press enter/return you'd need to add some parameters, i.e. what you want the humaxrw program to do. It's years since I used humaxrw; however I believe
humaxrw 1: -r -l
will look at the first disk and list any humax files
humaxrw 2: -r -l
will look at the 2nd disk and list any humax files
humaxrw 3: -r -l
3rd disk etc.
humaxrw 4: -r -l
4th disk etc. and I wouldn't imagine you'd need to go much higher than 4 to find the disk with the humax files on it.
If you found files with
humaxrw 2: -r -l
then you'd issue the command
humaxrw 2: -r -g 1-X
where X is the number of files
I'd be inclined to test a couple of files first so something like
humaxrw 2: -r -g 1-3
should save the first one to three files
make sure you have enough space on the c: drive to save the files into. As with most things first time round can be daunting, if you get stuck let us know how far you got.