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.TS files not full screen

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    Joined: Nov '13
    Posts: 15


    I have transferred a bunch of programs to my PC using Media Elinker. However, when I transfer them to an SD card either as a .TS file or by using Handbrake to convert them to .mp4 they are not displaying in full screen mode on playback from USB slot on TV. Any advice welcome.

    | Tue 17 Dec 2013 19:16:00 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Joined: Feb '11
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    PURBECKFOSSIL - 1 hour ago  » 
    I have transferred a bunch of programs to my PC using Media Elinker. However, when I transfer them to an SD card either as a .TS file or by using Handbrake to convert them to .mp4 they are not displaying in full screen mode on playback from USB slot on TV.

    Have you tried playing them on the PC?

    | Tue 17 Dec 2013 20:41:06 #2 |

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