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TV not supporting digital content protection

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    I'm getting this message flash up as the box starts:

    The programme cannot be viewed via HDMI connection as your TV does not support digital content protection (HDCP)

    The Aura was tuned to BBC 101. The actual output does seem to be in HDMI however.
    Yes, there's no HDCP on the TV - it's a 2010 era Samsung LE40C530.

    I thought the BBC particularly didn't use any form of DRM.
    Anyone got any ideas what's causing this?

    | Wed 3 Feb 2021 13:37:39 #1 |
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    I've noticed it as well from time to time on my 2015 Sony Bravia.
    Its the HDMI signal which is encrypted, regardless of any content DRM.
    I suspect it is the Aura still with its knickers in a twist with HDMI detection and handshaking when first starting.
    My TV is in full 2160p then is switched to 1080p consistent with the Aura TV HD channel. BUT, there is a second or so flicker and black out as it handshakes shortly after start up. I think my assumptions are correct?

    | Sun 7 Feb 2021 1:51:26 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    ClickerTicker - 4 days ago  » 
    I'm getting this message flash up as the box starts:

    The programme cannot be viewed via HDMI connection as your TV does not support digital content protection (HDCP)

    The Aura was tuned to BBC 101. The actual output does seem to be in HDMI however.
    Yes, there's no HDCP on the TV - it's a 2010 era Samsung LE40C530.

    I agree with MickO that it is an HDMI handshake problem. If you search the internet you will find lots of problems concerning HDMI handshake for all sorts of devices. Providing it is merely a glitch when starting up then my advice would be to simply ignore it (unless you were looking for an excuse to get a new TV).

    | Sun 7 Feb 2021 14:48:37 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Pretty sure all TV;s with HDMI in had varying versions of HDCP handshake protection.

    Previous to this early HD TV's had analogue component HD connections (YpbPr) . So no possibility of HDCP handshaking.

    | Sun 7 Feb 2021 15:08:11 #4 |
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    Well, thanks for the lesson on HDMI - I never realised a simple interface could be so complicated!

    I like Martins idea:-)

    my advice would be to simply ignore it (unless you were looking for an excuse to get a new TV)

    Been looking for an excuse to upsize... a difficult sell on the other half. The 1080p picture on the 40" Sony is pretty good for its age and the the smarts and the HD tuning are handled well by the Aura (and our previous Humax).
    Thanks - Ron

    | Sun 7 Feb 2021 22:35:53 #5 |
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    "Been looking for an excuse to upsize... a difficult sell on the other half. The 1080p picture on the 40" Sony is pretty good for its age and the the smarts and the HD tuning are handled well by the Aura (and our previous Humax)."

    That won't necessarily fix the problem. I recently upgraded my Samsung TV to a newer, larger model and this problem has only started since then - I never had it on the old version. I'm also getting all sorts of picture sizing problems as well when playing media from apps. The TV works fine, so I get the feeling that the issue is with the Aura - I've had a number of problems since I bought it. I'm always having to reboot it, startup is very erratic, often there is scrambled or corrupt output etc, etc.

    | Sun 28 Jan 2024 19:03:11 #6 |
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    Do you know The post your replying to is from 3 years ago!

    | Mon 29 Jan 2024 17:38:28 #7 |

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