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TV Switching HDR1100s off & on - could use some help

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    After Freesat folks.

    After 17 years of solid service my Pioneer PDP-503HDE has come off the wall and been temporarily replaced with a Panasonic TX-50EX700B.

    It's connected directly to the 1100s & also RJ45 to a switch.

    I can turn the TV off with the Pana remote and that switch the 1100s down.

    All good but when I turn the Pana on, the 1100s is still switched off.

    Have been through the manual but cannot see a routine whereby I can remote power on the Pana and the 1100s follows suit.

    Would be extremely grateful if any of you know how I can achieve that.

    Coming from a non HDMI Pioneer world this is all a little new to me

    P.S the Pioneer is not in the skip, it is now safely in Scotland and about to see another life on the world of a clever tech guy building a man-cave. Good old tech never just changes application.

    Cheers all

    | Sat 14 Apr 2018 12:22:38 #1 |


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    The function is called HDMI-CEC or VIERA Link in Panasonic speak.
    It comes in a lot of versions and can also be implemented differently by port.

    I turn this function off on my Philips and use my HDR-1000S to turn both off [OFF-TV-OFF] and back on [ON-STB-ON].

    HDMI-CEC can get complicated with the different version and manufactures implementations and where several devices are connected.

    Read-up on it in your TV manual or on-line.

    | Sat 14 Apr 2018 13:05:17 #2 |
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    Many thanks Repassac. Makes good sense.

    We have a slightly unusual config in as much as we only have a TV monitor in the lounge and all 'the rest' is in my office. Should note we are decommissioning all the old stuff from early 2000's and preparing to replace all...most likely next year.

    So the HDR1100S sits in the office so cannot (easily) use that to drive the on/off process. In fact I sort of can as I have a wall plate installed an IR sensor in the lounge and with some wiring I could so that.

    I was sort of hoping the tail could wag the dog...TV to Box on & off. But yes a TV manual read is in order. Ironically I spent ages reading the 1100 manual and assumed the setting would be within that. Not sure why

    | Sat 14 Apr 2018 13:15:12 #3 |


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    When I changed the setting on my Philips I needed to reboot the TV and then the HDR-1000S before the change was effective.

    If you try by using the HDR-1100S remote what happens:
    Nothing / TV comes on / Something else?

    I suspect Nothing.

    | Sat 14 Apr 2018 13:36:42 #4 |
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    No does not switch TV on .... mind I did not make any setting changes to the 1100s yet Repassac.

    Have also got a Virgin TIVO box....will take a look at that sequence as well.

    Yes if could get to work one way then gives a nice basis to reverse engineer it maybe?

    | Sat 14 Apr 2018 13:43:07 #5 |
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    REPASSAC - 4 days ago  » 
    When I changed the setting on my Philips I needed to reboot the TV and then the HDR-1000S before the change was effective.
    If you try by using the HDR-1100S remote what happens:
    Nothing / TV comes on / Something else?
    I suspect Nothing.

    Did a full test Repassac and unfortunately no it does not communicate with the Pana. I would have thought this to be a fairly ordinary requirement but then again as I mentioned I'm coming from a world where HDMI is new as of a week or two back

    | Thu 19 Apr 2018 11:02:47 #6 |
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    I also have the same problem re Humax CEC being incompatible with Pana TV CEC. I don’t think the Pana TV is the problem but the Humax’s. Here are the details of the issue: -
    My Humax HDR-1100S, bought in Aug 2017, is connected to my Panasonic TX-39A400B TV, bought in Aug 2014, using HDMI1 port but the Humax’s CEC feature does not communicate with my Pana TV’s CEC (which is switched ON).
    I also have a Samsung Blu-Ray disc player BD-H6500/XU, bought in Feb 2016, connected to the same Pana TV’s HDMI2 port and the Samsung’s CEC feature communicates with the Pana TV’s CEC.
    I know this because after watching the Humax on HDMI1 and switch ON the Samsung Blu-Ray the TV input will auto-switch to HDMI2. However the reverse does not work so if I have been watching via Blu-Ray on HDMI2 and then switch the Humax ON the input does not auto-switch to HDMI1. I have to do this manually. Is it something we have to live with?

    | Sat 28 Apr 2018 18:47:47 #7 |

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