My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T


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    Each tuner can tune into 1 frequency ie 698000mhz (ch49) but this is a multiplex, so there are 23 TV and 9 radio on the one frequency. This means that you can receive more than 1 channel with 1 tuner. This has 3 tuners. I think that You are limited by the processor speed or hard drive to record 3 and watch 1.

    | Mon 1 Aug 2016 12:59:19 #11 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Phil1 - 1 minute ago  » 
    Each tuner can tune into 1 frequency ie 698000mhz (ch49) but this is a multiplex, so there are 23 TV and 9 radio on the one frequency. This means that you can receive more than 1 channel with 1 tuner. This has 3 tuners. I think that You are limited by the processor speed or hard drive to record 3 and watch 1.

    Should be able to record 4 HD from same Mux. Four from BBC 1 HD, BBC2 HD, ITV-HD Channel 5 HD and watch any fifth. HDD speed not an issue my V-Box can record 4 HD to a portable USB 2.0 drive and it has only two tuners. HD bitrates are approx 8Mbps, 32 Mbps is easily handled. USB2.0 maxes out at 480Mbps.

    One tuner only required for two recordings from same mux, so above uses only two, leaving third available for any channel.

    Anyone care to try this ?

    | Mon 1 Aug 2016 13:06:32 #12 |
  3. Barry


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    Don't need to try Graham as I know the FVP 4000T is able to do that.

    | Mon 1 Aug 2016 13:56:48 #13 |
  4. Barry


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    To bring this thread back on topic.

    UK TV play is still scheduled to launch on Freeview Play though slightly delayed on the date published by Freeview in April.

    | Mon 1 Aug 2016 15:00:05 #14 |
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    Bill63 - I'm not sure we're quite on the same page here. Let me explain. With my Android phone, though I think my iPhone does the same. I can for example open Youtube and type in what I would like to view (much easier on the phone than using the TV remote). Once it finds the programme then at the top of the phones screen there is a 'cast' icon. When I tap that it gives me a list of devices I can cast to e.g. Panasonic TV, Chromecast (which itself is connected to the TV) or other devices.

    If I select Panasonic TV then the YouTube programme will immediately begin to play on the big screen. I haven't had to touch the PVR or anything else for that matter. I have accessed the programme on my phone and that has immediately been transferred to the TV. The apps are free and there are lots of them. Now I have apps on the PVR but having got both no one is going to tell me that the PVR is a more convenient method than using the smartphone for doing this because it surely isn't.

    I can select a programme from a different location in the house and cast it.

    | Mon 1 Aug 2016 15:31:25 #15 |
  6. Stephenesque


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    I had no idea about casting these to my TV and just tried it with my iPad and Youtube which worked just as described and was great.

    However I can't get the same thing to happen with any of my other Apps as I can find no 'cast icon' on iPlayer, UKTVplay, My5, ITVHub, etc.

    | Mon 1 Aug 2016 16:09:47 #16 |
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    HI Faust, Well I find it just as easy as I have got a PVR connected to each TV. Just switch on the TV and PVR Simple.
    My friend got the set up you are on about with he IPhone and IPad he can do what you do with yours, but it cost mega bucks money I don't have.
    I can do it just as quick with my remote on my PVR as he can with his. Just click on the app on the PVR, click the programme you want, it just takes less than 20 seconds that's less than 1 minute then I am watching the content.
    Not all broadcasted programmes or films are available on catch up or Netflix anyway, plus they are only available for a short time sometimes. At least with the PVR they will stay on there till deleted.

    | Mon 1 Aug 2016 20:21:26 #17 |
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    Stephenesque - 5 hours ago  » 
    I had no idea about casting these to my TV and just tried it with my iPad and Youtube which worked just as described and was great.
    However I can't get the same thing to happen with any of my other Apps as I can find no 'cast icon' on iPlayer, UKTVplay, My5, ITVHub, etc.

    It does sometimes depend on the capabilities of the devices you are using or casting too. I find the one with the most capabilities is Chromecast which fortunately I got for free. There are lots of free apps and of course these play straight from the phone to the Chromecast and in turn appear on the TV though in fairness the Panasonic TV does play quite a bit of stuff which I can cast from my phone.

    | Mon 1 Aug 2016 21:40:08 #18 |
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    Thank you BARRY for providing a simple answer to my simple question

    | Tue 2 Aug 2016 19:18:32 #19 |

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