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Unacceptable Hard Drive Noise From HDR 2000T?

(50 posts)
  1. Trev


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    I'm beginning to wonder how this 'conversation' fits in with the thread title.

    | Mon 30 Apr 2018 15:41:25 #41 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Trev - 2 minutes ago  » 
    I'm beginning to wonder how this 'conversation' fits in with the thread title.

    Agree - could do with the posts moving to a new thread.

    | Mon 30 Apr 2018 15:44:58 #42 |


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    grahamlthompson - 2 hours ago  » 

    Trev - 2 minutes ago  » 
    I'm beginning to wonder how this 'conversation' fits in with the thread title.

    Agree - could do with the posts moving to a new thread.

    +1 for quite a while.

    | Mon 30 Apr 2018 18:21:57 #43 |
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    Minstrel SE - 18 hours ago  » 
    I havent got channel 55 at the signal strength at all on DVB T2 and its been like that for a couple of weeks.
    I got everything fine after the last major retune but since then somethings been going on.
    I sense there is more going on here than the aerial of the landlords amplification system. I think there are transmitter issues as they sort all these changes.
    How come I can get it perfectly for a week or so and then it disappears?

    In a word 'weather'. I have currently lost channel 56 with 55 being hit and miss.

    | Tue 1 May 2018 10:03:14 #44 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Faust - 3 minutes ago  » 

    Minstrel SE - 18 hours ago  » 
    I havent got channel 55 at the signal strength at all on DVB T2 and its been like that for a couple of weeks.
    I got everything fine after the last major retune but since then somethings been going on.
    I sense there is more going on here than the aerial of the landlords amplification system. I think there are transmitter issues as they sort all these changes.
    How come I can get it perfectly for a week or so and then it disappears?

    In a word 'weather'. I have currently lost channel 56 with 55 being hit and miss.


    In current conditions seems unlikely

    Perhaps they are tinkering with the guard interval.

    | Tue 1 May 2018 10:07:21 #45 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    Trev - 2 days ago  » 
    I'm beginning to wonder how this 'conversation' fits in with the thread title.

    yes I agree but its been going on for a few pages since post 7 about the splitter, I was a bit miffed but eventually mentioned something off topic myself. Its not the only thread where this happens and it becomes a thread cap and confusing for people searching for titles

    This was a starter thread of mine and I would prefer it remained about the noise on the 2000T. Its an open forum though and I will leave it to the moderators to take chunks out

    | Wed 2 May 2018 23:06:29 #46 |
  7. Barry


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    Unfortunately forum software not that good for moving posts, it would take to much time so sort now, so will have to remain as is.

    | Thu 3 May 2018 6:34:19 #47 |
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    No one has added any 'off topic' info for a couple of days now Minstrel so I think the thread has sorted itself out now.

    | Thu 3 May 2018 12:34:18 #48 |
  9. black knight

    black knight

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    Well noise is about the only thing I haven't had to complain about with my 2000T, it's whisper quiet. (and not just because it was too crappy to switch on most of the time! )

    I have one of the old units that had the plastic hdd caddy with rubber dampers where it screwed in, and I can barely hear it working, even in total silence.

    Just a shame that it took so long for Humax to release updates that enabled it to be a usable box day to day, but at least it seems to work now!

    Maybe you could find a second hand caddy to use and see if that sorts the noise issues?

    | Fri 4 May 2018 14:23:22 #49 |
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    black knight - 7 hours ago  » 
    Well noise is about the only thing I haven't had to complain about with my 2000T, it's whisper quiet. (and not just because it was too crappy to switch on most of the time! )
    I have one of the old units that had the plastic hdd caddy with rubber dampers where it screwed in, and I can barely hear it working, even in total silence.
    Just a shame that it took so long for Humax to release updates that enabled it to be a usable box day to day, but at least it seems to work now!
    Maybe you could find a second hand caddy to use and see if that sorts the noise issues?

    TBH my opinion of the 2000T (I own one) is it should never have moved from the drawing board into production. As a product it wasn't Humax finest hour.

    | Fri 4 May 2018 21:43:03 #50 |

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