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Unreachable update button?

(2 posts)
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    Joined: Nov '11
    Posts: 16


    I was looking for some videos on youtube, for my nephew, through the TVPortal and selected a video (thomas the tank engine) that was then unplayable as it says "invalid file format". Then,
    after some short while a little blue 'tab' appeared above the "Related" button that said "Update"
    but I can see no way to select it. Any ideas ? It is coloured blue so I tried the blue button
    on the remote which did nothing.
    Does this mean that there is an update ? Or is it saying I should press the "Related" button to update something else ?



    | Sun 25 Mar 2012 9:53:20 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,051


    Update - more reuslts have been found for the current search term or video title you are playing.

    Highlight Related with the cursor control and press OK. You should then note a change to the videos listed down the right hand side.

    | Sun 25 Mar 2012 10:00:22 #2 |

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