I had an unusual occurrence with my HDR1000S Saturday night.
Came to the TV 5 mins after Atlantis had started, so rewound the buffer to the start of the pgm. I'm now in chasing mode 5 mins behind live. About 2 mins before the end of Atlantis my wife had to leave the room to take a call and asks me to record. At this point the live broadcast of Atlantis has ended and The Lottery Draw has started. I press "R", expecting to get a recording of Atlantis (which we are still watching in chasing mode, 5 mins behind the broadcast). To my surprise the display immediately blacks out then restarts with the live broadcast of The Lottery Draw. I go into Recordings and, sure enough, instead of a 1 hour recording of Atlantis, I have a 4 min, ongoing, recording of The Lottery draw.
I thought that when you pressed "R" you got a recording of the pgm you were watching, regardless of chasing mode, seems not.
Inevitably in chasing mode you are always going to reach a point where the actual broadcast has ended and the succeeding broadcast has started, you are now watching/chasing a broadcast that has ended. Pressing "R" during this overlap period does not get you a recording of the pgm you are watching, but instead you get the broadcast pgm that succeeded it.
IMHO this is at odds with what the average viewer would expect.