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upgrading 9300t

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    H What is the largest hdd that can be fitted to the 9300t? How do i install the software on the new hdd?

    | Thu 25 Jul 2013 15:40:32 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    birdman64 - 44 minutes ago  » 
    H What is the largest hdd that can be fitted to the 9300t? How do i install the software on the new hdd?

    I think units bigger than 1TB have refused to format. You need to consider whether it is worth going bigger than about 500MB as (regardless of disk size) there is a maximum limit of 512 recordings. There is no software stored on the disk so it should just be a matter of installing the new drive turning on the 9300 and answering Yes to the prompt to format the drive.

    | Thu 25 Jul 2013 16:29:12 #2 |
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    new member
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    Thanks Martin, i'll give it a go

    | Thu 25 Jul 2013 18:51:31 #3 |

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