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usb hard drive on 1100s

(10 posts)
  1. dd500


    Joined: Oct '20
    Posts: 26


    I copied some sd (standard definition) programs from my Humax HDR-foxsat to a usb drive formatted as linux ext3 and plugged it into my HDR-1100s but it doesnt recognise the drive. Am I barking up the wrong tree here? Should I be able to watch sd programs from an external drive on the 1100s just like I can on my foxsat? I read somewhere that the foxsat doesnt encrypt the sd files so they should be fine, the (.ts files) play ok with VLC on Windows, but anyway I cannot see anywhere to access the usb drive on the HDR-1100s. If I go into setting and HD it only shows the internal drive.


    | Mon 4 Nov 2024 14:51:19 #1 |
  2. dd500


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    Posts: 26


    Or if I connect both boxes to my router is there a way of viewing the programs stored on my HDRfoxsat using my HDR1000s?

    | Mon 4 Nov 2024 19:32:48 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    dd500 - 1 hour ago  » 
    Or if I connect both boxes to my router is there a way of viewing the programs stored on my HDRfoxsat using my HDR1000s?

    I am no expert on the Freesat boxes but my recollection is that the only use for the USB port is software updates.

    | Mon 4 Nov 2024 21:26:44 #3 |
  4. dd500


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    Posts: 26


    Thanks. It's unusual though that my 15 year old foxsat box has more features than the newer 1100s box..

    | Mon 4 Nov 2024 21:54:44 #4 |
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    I know this is an old post, but in case anyone is wondering, you can find the connected USB drive in Settings, Storage - where you can eject it, copy files from it to your HDD, or play video, audio, and pictures.
    The only video files it recognises are DIVx or MP4 - so it might be worth renaming your .TS files as .MP4 and seeing if that works.
    I've only tried this so far with a USB HDD formatted as NTFS, so if you still see nothing when you have .MP4 files on your drive, try re-formatting to NTFS.

    | Thu 16 Jan 2025 11:53:05 #5 |
  6. dd500


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    GeoffKurth - 5 hours ago  » 
    I know this is an old post, but in case anyone is wondering, you can find the connected USB drive in Settings, Storage - where you can eject it, copy files from it to your HDD, or play video, audio, and pictures.
    The only video files it recognises are DIVx or MP4 - so it might be worth renaming your .TS files as .MP4 and seeing if that works.
    I've only tried this so far with a USB HDD formatted as NTFS, so if you still see nothing when you have .MP4 files on your drive, try re-formatting to NTFS.

    Geoff thanks for the info, I would have thought the box would recognise EXT3 as the internal drive is formatted EXT3. Anyway I will try NTFS. Is there anyway of converting the EXT3 to NTFS without losing the files? as there are 1TB of videos on my old box I don't want to end up deleting them all.
    When you tried connecting an external drive was it a 2.5 HD which gets the power via USB or a 12v powered 3.5 HD? As my 2.5 HD is not visible at all I wonder if its not getting enough power. Thanks

    | Thu 16 Jan 2025 17:24:20 #6 |
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    Following my post I can confurm that the USB drive must be formatted as FAT or NTFS, the HDR1100S simply ignores other formats (including EXT3) - perverse I know!
    I checked by simply cloning the original drive off the HDR1100S to a 2.5" HDD, instead of copying the files from it to the same 2.5" HDD, the EXT3 filesystem is all there and fine when checked on a Linux PC, but completely ignored by the Humax when connected to either of its USB ports (check my other post to see why I'm doing this).

    | Thu 16 Jan 2025 18:05:23 #7 |
  8. dd500


    Joined: Oct '20
    Posts: 26


    Thanks for the info. I formatted the 2.5" usb hd to ntfs but when I plug it in the remote control stops working so I cannot access settings/storage. The hd works fine in Windows.

    Maybe the hd is not getting enough power. At a later date I will try using a powered hub or a powered 3.5" drive as I recall some years ago on my humax foxsat the drive was only recognised using a powered hub so maybe it's the same problem.

    | Fri 17 Jan 2025 16:48:58 #8 |
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    That's unusual, as I wouldn't have thought the HDR1100S would have problems delivering power - have you tried both USB sockets?
    The drive I'm trying is an old Seagate 500GB laptop drive in a Sabrent USB 3.0 enclosure - powered by USB - rated at 0.55A on 5V - and works fine connected to the faulty HDR1100S - when formatted NTFS with standard video files - MPG, MP4, etc.

    | Sat 18 Jan 2025 13:35:04 #9 |
  10. dd500


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    GeoffKurth - 1 hour ago  » 
    That's unusual, as I wouldn't have thought the HDR1100S would have problems delivering power - have you tried both USB sockets?
    The drive I'm trying is an old Seagate 500GB laptop drive in a Sabrent USB 3.0 enclosure - powered by USB - rated at 0.55A on 5V - and works fine connected to the faulty HDR1100S - when formatted NTFS with standard video files - MPG, MP4, etc.

    I tried a different external 2.5 hd formatted ntfs and it worked right away so maybe the other one I tried had a fault, it can play many types of video formats, avi, mp4, mpeg, .ts etc etc

    I then removed the old 3.5 hd from the foxsat receiver and put it in an enclosure and plugged it into the HDR1100S and it works fine, I didn't need to convert it to ntfs, its still formatted linux ext3. So its unusual why yours doesn't work as ext3.

    | Sat 18 Jan 2025 15:14:41 #10 |

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