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Using a Splitter to record two channels at once

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    I've been told by Humax Support that "Connecting a splitter to the single feed will work however you will still not have the full functionality of a the twin tuners." I enquired what functionality I'd lose out on and the reply was "You will be missing out the full functionality of being able to record 2 channels at once. With only one cable you will on some occasions still be able to do this but you will be restricted depending on what you are recording."

    Is this correct as I thought using a splitter would enable me to record two channels at once?

    | Mon 20 Jan 2014 17:54:17 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    WElcome to the forum

    You don't need a splitter, the link is internal and is setup when you install the box with only 1 cable connected to tuner 1 in.

    You can't split a satellite feed like you can an aerial because the tuner has to control the lnb by switching frequency band and polarisation. Say tuner 1 has the lnb switched to low frequency band and horizontal polarisation then tuner 2 will only be able to access transponders matching that specification. In addition 1 tuner is capable of working with two channels from the same transponder. So you will be able to record two at once (and watch a third) just not without restrictions

    More info here

    | Mon 20 Jan 2014 18:03:29 #2 |
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    Thanks for the clear explanation. This contrasts with sites such as Amazon which imply a splitter will work with a single lnb.

    | Tue 21 Jan 2014 14:23:37 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    slawer - 3 minutes ago  » 
    Thanks for the clear explanation. This contrasts with sites such as Amazon which imply a splitter will work with a single lnb.

    You can use a splitter with DC pass from one of the outputs back to the lnb. If that output is connected to one tuner that will have control the other tuner connected to the other output will not.

    That's essentially what you have built in to the HDR1000S. The earlier Foxsat-hdr has a lnb1 out which I have connected to a generic fta pvr HD satellite box. Knowing what channels will be available it can be used to record 3 programmes at the same time using only two cables.

    Due to the complexity, the normal advice is you cannot split a cable connected to a lnb.

    This is a pretty good explanation

    | Tue 21 Jan 2014 14:33:05 #4 |

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