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Using HDR-1100S Remote to Power on/off TV?

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    Apologies if this duplicates....VM are upgrading the line just outside our place before I pressed send! Should'nt complaint....100MB is nothing to moan at.

    Would be great to get a little help on this one please.

    Have a new 1100S, installed & working rather nicely. One small problem, the Sky box it replaced was set up to turn TV & set-top box on at same time. Hoping we can do the same with the's for my Mother who is limited tech savy.

    I can see RC codes in the manual but not entirely sure how they are applied or indeed if they are relevant.

    The TV set is a Tosh Regza 37AV554D....fairly standard Tesco type fodder.

    If we can program the 1100S RC to turn it on it would be great.

    If we can program the 1100S RC to turn the TV & 1100S box on with one button even better.

    Would be grateful for any links or procedures to help me set that up.

    Appreciate all help as always.

    Many thanks

    | Wed 21 Oct 2015 10:32:47 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    I am assuming the remote is the same as other Humax remotes. To control a TV you have first to press the TV button, and then to press the PVR button to restore control of the PVR.

    You may be better off by a Harmony activity based universal remote which can turn on everything associated with watch Humax and select the right TV input, and turn all off again with one button press.

    One of the most common calls to Humax support is my remote won't control my box, after the TV button has been inadvertently pressed.

    You will have to set it up first using a PC to connect to the Logitech device database.

    | Wed 21 Oct 2015 10:55:35 #2 |
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    grahamlthompson - 20 minutes ago  » 
    I am assuming the remote is the same as other Humax remotes. To control a TV you have first to press the TV button, and then to press the PVR button to restore control of the PVR.
    You may be better off by a Harmony activity based universal remote which can turn on everything associated with watch Humax and select the right TV input, and turn all off again with one button press.
    One of the most common calls to Humax support is my remote won't control my box, after the TV button has been inadvertently pressed.
    You will have to set it up first using a PC to connect to the Logitech device database.

    Hi Graham, yes its the bog standard out the box remote.

    You mean that the TV button on the 1100S RC will turn the Tosh on? Sounds mad but don't recall if I tired that.

    Then you mention to press the PVR button. Sorry not fully following that. You mean to press the 1100S STB button?

    Yes I can imagine the support call example to be the case. We are only using the device for less than 24 hrs but it appears that the STB and TV buttons are slow to respond. I say slow in the relative's a lot slower than the old Sky one.

    Yes a Harmony may be a good way forward. I have one of the more complex Harmonies to control our mad selection of AV. I think due to complex nature of the items we have we are somewhat lazy using it. The significantly simpler one you kindly provided the link to looks a lot more straightforward and indeed the items it controls are much simpler.
    Going to take a look at that although we are somewhat budget strapped on this one so will try to squeeze a result out of the standard items first.

    Many thanks Graham

    | Wed 21 Oct 2015 11:24:00 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    atacama40 - 8 minutes ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 20 minutes ago  » 
    I am assuming the remote is the same as other Humax remotes. To control a TV you have first to press the TV button, and then to press the PVR button to restore control of the PVR.
    You may be better off by a Harmony activity based universal remote which can turn on everything associated with watch Humax and select the right TV input, and turn all off again with one button press.
    One of the most common calls to Humax support is my remote won't control my box, after the TV button has been inadvertently pressed.
    You will have to set it up first using a PC to connect to the Logitech device database.

    Hi Graham, yes its the bog standard out the box remote.
    You mean that the TV button on the 1100S RC will turn the Tosh on? Sounds mad but don't recall if I tired that.
    Then you mention to press the PVR button. Sorry not fully following that. You mean to press the 1100S STB button?
    Yes I can imagine the support call example to be the case. We are only using the device for less than 24 hrs but it appears that the STB and TV buttons are slow to respond. I say slow in the relative's a lot slower than the old Sky one.
    Yes a Harmony may be a good way forward. I have one of the more complex Harmonies to control our mad selection of AV. I think due to complex nature of the items we have we are somewhat lazy using it. The significantly simpler one you kindly provided the link to looks a lot more straightforward and indeed the items it controls are much simpler.
    Going to take a look at that although we are somewhat budget strapped on this one so will try to squeeze a result out of the standard items first.
    Many thanks Graham

    When you press the TV button, the normal buttons on the remote control the TV not the pvr. eg the power button turns the TV on and off instead of the pvr. The volume control turns the TV audio up/down instead of the pvr.

    | Wed 21 Oct 2015 11:34:25 #4 |
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    grahamlthompson - 42 minutes ago  » 

    atacama40 - 8 minutes ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 20 minutes ago  » 
    I am assuming the remote is the same as other Humax remotes. To control a TV you have first to press the TV button, and then to press the PVR button to restore control of the PVR.
    You may be better off by a Harmony activity based universal remote which can turn on everything associated with watch Humax and select the right TV input, and turn all off again with one button press.
    One of the most common calls to Humax support is my remote won't control my box, after the TV button has been inadvertently pressed.
    You will have to set it up first using a PC to connect to the Logitech device database.

    Hi Graham, yes its the bog standard out the box remote.
    You mean that the TV button on the 1100S RC will turn the Tosh on? Sounds mad but don't recall if I tired that.
    Then you mention to press the PVR button. Sorry not fully following that. You mean to press the 1100S STB button?
    Yes I can imagine the support call example to be the case. We are only using the device for less than 24 hrs but it appears that the STB and TV buttons are slow to respond. I say slow in the relative's a lot slower than the old Sky one.
    Yes a Harmony may be a good way forward. I have one of the more complex Harmonies to control our mad selection of AV. I think due to complex nature of the items we have we are somewhat lazy using it. The significantly simpler one you kindly provided the link to looks a lot more straightforward and indeed the items it controls are much simpler.
    Going to take a look at that although we are somewhat budget strapped on this one so will try to squeeze a result out of the standard items first.
    Many thanks Graham

    When you press the TV button, the normal buttons on the remote control the TV not the pvr. eg the power button turns the TV on and off instead of the pvr. The volume control turns the TV audio up/down instead of the pvr.

    Got it....thanks Graham

    | Wed 21 Oct 2015 12:17:13 #5 |

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