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Viewing recordings off line

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    new member
    Joined: May '22
    Posts: 1


    I am a bit of a technophobe. Can anybody help. Is it possible to download a recording from my Aura to my iPad to view whilst travelling. If so can you tell me in idiotese, cos I have no techspeak

    | Mon 9 May 2022 7:27:59 #1 |
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    senior member
    Joined: Apr '21
    Posts: 74


    You can download the Humax Aura app from relevant app store.

    Once you've downloaded. Go into Recorded TV on the Aura itself, or the Recordings menu on the App and convert the recording to mobile format. Once the conversion is complete, you can download the recording to your device.

    For me it's been a bit temperamental but does work most of the time.

    Hope that helps.

    | Tue 10 May 2022 18:29:48 #2 |
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    special member
    Joined: Mar '17
    Posts: 359


    I do this all the time to watch recordings in my lunch break.

    It takes a while for each recording to convert to mobile format and then copy to my iPad, but its good that it can be done.

    | Thu 12 May 2022 17:19:14 #3 |

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