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Watching, exiting and then watching again a recording

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    Just noticed that whilst watching a recording whilst it is being recorded and you exit it and select the recording again to start watching again (and the program is still being recorded), it starts from the beginning of the recording again and not where you left off. Not sure if the 5000t did this and would correctly restart from the moment you exited.

    | Sat 28 Nov 2020 21:12:05 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    boogersa - 13 mins ago  » 
    Not sure if the 5000t did this and would correctly restart from the moment you exited.

    Yes it does; It brings up a dialog allowing you to choose to continue watching from the point previously reached or from the beginning.

    | Sat 28 Nov 2020 21:27:03 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle - 3 mins ago  » 

    boogersa - 13 mins ago  » 
    Not sure if the 5000t did this and would correctly restart from the moment you exited.

    Yes it does; It brings up a dialog allowing you to choose to continue watching from the point previously reached or from the beginning.

    Why can’t they take the functionality that the 5000t does (well?) and build on it? If the 5000t wasn’t sluggish I wouldn’t be replacing it.

    | Sat 28 Nov 2020 21:32:20 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    boogersa - 1 hour ago  » 
    Why can’t they take the functionality that the 5000t does (well?) and build on it? If the 5000t wasn’t sluggish I wouldn’t be replacing it.

    Who knows? The earlier HDR-FOX T2 performs better than the FVP-5000T in several respects so Humax have form for doing this.

    | Sat 28 Nov 2020 23:14:26 #4 |
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    This is a backward step. You may decide to start watching a recording as it is being recorded and then decide to stop and watch the rest at a later time but it’ll then start from the beginning. So frustrating. Really fast machine but lacks functionality from older machines. Why is this difficult to get right? Look at what older boxes do well, keep it and then add on top better functionality. Let’s be blunt. If it could do what the 5000t does but at the speed of the Aura I’d be really happy!

    | Sun 29 Nov 2020 0:04:40 #5 |
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    I’ve done further testing. If you are watching a recording whilst it is being recorded but behind in time within the live recording and exit, it will when you go back to watch it start from the beginning of the recording. If you do exactly the same thing but instead go back and watch the program but after the recording is complete (not whilst still recording) it will restart at the point where you exited - not the beginning.

    | Sun 29 Nov 2020 10:56:19 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    boogersa - 1 hour ago  » 
    I’ve done further testing.

    Thanks for coming back with more information.

    If you are watching a recording whilst it is being recorded but behind in time within the live recording and exit, it will when you go back to watch it start from the beginning of the recording.

    In this case the FVP does a better job and allows you to resume from the point where you stopped watching..

    | Sun 29 Nov 2020 12:03:01 #7 |
  8. Barry


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    I believe the beta testers put this forward as a suggestion along with some others.

    Some were implemented in time for the products release.

    We will have to wait and see if this option is implemented in a future release.

    | Sun 29 Nov 2020 12:56:24 #8 |

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