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Watching on the network

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    junior member
    Joined: Aug '12
    Posts: 6


    This may have been asked but I'd like to watch my recorded programmes on my smart TV in another room over WiFi. If I press the source button, I can see the Aura listed, when I choose this, I can go to a video folder but it's empty? What am I missing?

    | Mon 21 Mar 2022 18:52:55 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Tavit - 3 hours ago  » 
    This may have been asked but I'd like to watch my recorded programmes on my smart TV in another room over WiFi. If I press the source button, I can see the Aura listed, when I choose this, I can go to a video folder but it's empty? What am I missing?

    In settings under "Record and share", do you have the "Network server (DLNA/UPnP)" enabled? Are these SD or HD recordings?

    | Mon 21 Mar 2022 21:59:51 #2 |
  3. Mars


    special member
    Joined: Jan '16
    Posts: 375


    Tavit - 13 hours ago  » 
    This may have been asked but I'd like to watch my recorded programmes on my smart TV in another room over WiFi. If I press the source button, I can see the Aura listed, when I choose this, I can go to a video folder but it's empty? What am I missing?

    Recordings are in the Recordings folder!

    | Tue 22 Mar 2022 8:35:36 #3 |

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