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Weak signal after retune

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    I've had no problems with my fox-t2 up until my last rescan. Basically it's channel 54 that now has only 30% strength and 10% -20% quality and is unwatchable. I've rescanned a number of times to no avail. I've manually retuned ch54 with no luck. Is there anyone who can offer advice on this? I want my BBC back.
    I have elderly relatives who cannot grasp BBC 1 being on any other button than 1

    | Tue 6 Aug 2013 7:26:56 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Welcome to the forum.

    We need to know what transmitter you should be using. Channel 54 may be the wrong one for your psb mux.

    Enter your postcode here and tick the detailed view option

    Post the transmitter details and what type of aerial is recommended.

    | Tue 6 Aug 2013 9:14:02 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Tigertiger - 2 hours ago  » 
    I've had no problems with my fox-t2 up until my last rescan. Basically it's channel 54 that now has only 30% strength and 10% -20% quality and is unwatchable. I've rescanned a number of times to no avail.

    What software version is the Humax using? 1.02.32 is significantly better at doing a decent job of automatic tuning.

    | Tue 6 Aug 2013 9:50:53 #3 |
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    Hello, thanks for getting back. I'm on the Dover transmitter and assume I have the correct aerial type as its been perfect for the 14 months I've had it. Software version is 1.02.29 but I'm having trouble updating as it just seems to search for ages without doing anything.
    Btw BBC is 100% on 809-818 and HD just not on 1,2,7,9,80

    | Tue 6 Aug 2013 11:04:48 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Tigertiger - 14 minutes ago  » 
    I'm on the Dover transmitter and assume I have the correct aerial type as its been perfect for the 14 months I've had it. Software version is 1.02.29 but I'm having trouble updating as it just seems to search for ages without doing anything.

    Version 1.02.32 has never been transmitted over the air for some unknown reason although it was installed on machines coming off the production line for some months and has now been replaced by another un-issued version (1.03.06) on new boxes. You can download 1.02.32 from Link to Humax download site and install from a USB pen drive in less than 10 minutes.

    Btw BBC is 100% on 809-818 and HD just not on 1,2,7,9,80

    Not sure why you are trying to tune to channel 54. As I read the information the correct multiplex channel numbers for Dover are 48, 50 (this is the BBC mux), 51, 53 (this is the HD mux), 55 and 59.

    So your options are to upgrade to 1.02.32 or to manually tune. I suggest using the instructions at Link to manual tuning FAQ

    | Tue 6 Aug 2013 11:28:44 #5 |
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    Thanks. I went for the manual retune with great results. It would seem my last rescan had also picked up the Rye transmitter and that was where I got ch54.
    Your help and quick response is much appreciated.

    | Tue 6 Aug 2013 12:11:43 #6 |

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