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Weak signal or not receiving a signal error

(16 posts)
  1. jpv1960


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    Buzzz - 17 hours ago  » 
    Martin - sorry, box is about 2 weeks old.
    JPV - TV and box new... so would this still apply?

    You are right, it really does not make sense. Logic says the signal must be reasonably good as your telly works fine.

    | Mon 15 Feb 2021 10:54:06 #11 |
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    slogo heinzy

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    Hi Folks - i have exactly same issue as OP. I have a perfect signal without Humax and receive all channels on two different TV's ( LG, Sony Bravia ) fine.

    When i connect my Humax FVP-5000T, it only finds ( tried smart and default auto tuning ) 7 channels today. Yesterday it was 33 channels but none of them played due to ' weak signal error'

    I have a labgear mast amp boosting the main aeriel
    The LG TV has a signal test feature and its saying 90-100 % signal strength
    I have tried resetting HUmax to factory defaults.

    I am trying all of the above in a new house. Previous location was fine on the HUmax

    So logic would say its a signal problem, but it doesnt make sense when my two TV's show no issues and the LG has a very strong signal on the diagnostics ( sony doesnt have signal test feature )

    By the way, when i turn off the booster, my signal on the TV's is poor/ broken up. So I definitely the need the booster at this new location ( but i didnt need a booster in old house )

    | Sun 15 Sep 2024 11:11:56 #12 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    markheinemann - 2 hours ago  » 
    I have a labgear mast amp boosting the main aeriel
    The LG TV has a signal test feature and its saying 90-100 % signal strength
    I have tried resetting HUmax to factory defaults.
    I am trying all of the above in a new house. Previous location was fine on the HUmax

    The first thing to check would be that the problem isn't with the aerial connection to the Humax (damaged cable, plugged input into output socket etc).
    On the channels you can tune what does the Humax say about the signal strength (Settings> Channel settings> Signal test)?

    | Sun 15 Sep 2024 13:29:09 #13 |
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    I have no knowledge of the FVP-5000T so this is just a stab in the dark. Is there a setting somewhere that deals with region? Could it be searching for channels relating to your previous address and cannot find them now that you have moved?

    | Sun 15 Sep 2024 16:07:19 #14 |
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    There is no easy way to change region. If you're lucky you get the option to select after an auto search.
    If I understand the latest post correctly an auto search isn't finding many channels.
    What I would try is a manual search, using the multiplex details saved on the TV or from putting my details in and see whether you can find channels that way.

    | Mon 16 Sep 2024 5:20:15 #15 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    If it is a tuning issue then a quicker way should be to do an automatic tune with the SMART option (which is default) disabled.

    | Mon 16 Sep 2024 10:30:56 #16 |

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