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Wednesday frozen box

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    Sorry, question.
    I have a 9150T and EVERY Wednesday, without fail, i come home from work and it is frozen. When i turn it off and on again, i have about 30 seconds to choose my channel, then it freezes again (although i can carry on watching that 1 channel). I have to then turn it off when i go to bed and not turn it on again til Thursday evening when i get in from work... and then it works fine again.
    any ideas?
    is it the weekly update? if so, can i stop my box from searching for it? Highly annoying, i'm sure you'll agree.

    Any help here greatly appreciated!

    p.s. off to restart my box again so i can change channel

    | Wed 29 Aug 2012 18:31:28 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    What software version is the box running? The usual reason for these weekly problems is using a very old software version. There is no weekly software update search; by default ir happens every night if the box is in standby.

    | Wed 29 Aug 2012 20:44:26 #2 |
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    Hi, thanks for the reply.
    i am currently running HPTTF 1.00.06

    how do i go about upgrading it? when i try an automatic update of the software, it says "now searching a new software..." but doesn't change

    | Wed 29 Aug 2012 21:06:29 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    the1stdiscostu - 1 minute ago  » 
    i am currently running HPTTF 1.00.06

    Which is very, very old. Do you leave your box on all the time?

    how do i go about upgrading it? when i try an automatic update of the software, it says "now searching a new software..." but doesn't change

    The software isn't transmitted continuously. If you leave the box in standby overnight it will update the next time there is an update transmitted. It looks to me as though the next one is scheduled for 5th (starting at 10am) to 7th September. Alternatively you can update via a PC but this will involve buying at least a cable.

    | Wed 29 Aug 2012 21:12:16 #4 |
  5. Biggles


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    Martin Liddle - 1 hour ago  » 

    the1stdiscostu - 1 minute ago  » 
    i am currently running HPTTF 1.00.06

    Which is very, very old. Do you leave your box on all the time?

    how do i go about upgrading it? when i try an automatic update of the software, it says "now searching a new software..." but doesn't change

    The software isn't transmitted continuously. If you leave the box in standby overnight it will update the next time there is an update transmitted. It looks to me as though the next one is scheduled for 5th (starting at 10am) to 7th September. Alternatively you can update via a PC but this will involve buying at least a cable.

    Providing the software update settings haven't been tampered with.

    | Wed 29 Aug 2012 23:04:10 #5 |
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    yeah, my box is on all the time. thanks very much, i shall try and putting it on standby on the 5th.
    no settings have been tampered with. i wasn't aware it should be on standby.


    | Thu 30 Aug 2012 5:58:26 #6 |
  7. gomezz


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    There are a few good reasons why any PVR should be put into standby on a regular basis:-

    1) As in this case, to allow the OTA firmware update to work;

    2) As a palliative to potential overheating;

    3) To save energy and be greener;

    4) To re-initialise the volatile memory so avoiding issues arising from creeping memory leakage bugs in the firmware.

    | Thu 30 Aug 2012 7:44:32 #7 |
  8. Biggles


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    the1stdiscostu - 2 hours ago  » 
    yeah, my box is on all the time. thanks very much, i shall try and putting it on standby on the 5th.
    no settings have been tampered with. i wasn't aware it should be on standby.

    It's in the manual (page GB57) in a highlighted box marked important.

    | Thu 30 Aug 2012 8:34:57 #8 |

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