My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HD FOX T2

Which HDD is best

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    peter g

    junior member
    Joined: Mar '12
    Posts: 9


    Can anyone offer there opinion as to which HDD would be best for my HD FOX-T2, I would prefer a pasport un powered type, but how do I find out if it will work on my box, i.e is there enough power to run it????

    | Wed 7 Mar 2012 21:16:10 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    Posts: 11,052


    I have used both WD passport and Seagate Freeagent portable HDD's in the past on my HD T2.

    | Thu 8 Mar 2012 8:17:58 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


    special member
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 14,442


    I was going to build a usb powered switch to turn off the power on my externally powered 1TB drive used with my HD FOX T2.

    After some research I found that you can now get usb switched power saving extensions for PC's. I have ordered one and intend to use a unpowered hub to get the 5V DC from the HD FOX T2.

    I will post if it works (could be handy for permanently attached archive drives for both the Foxsat-hdr and the HDR FOX T2)

    | Thu 8 Mar 2012 10:53:07 #3 |

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