My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T

Why did it go wrong ?

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    Yesterday PVR 9150T got stuck. The Standby light was on and so was the red record light, and it was truly stuck, I could not do anything. Today I rang Humax (at great expense) and was told to switch off the plug at the wall socket to both TV and recorder and then immediately switch back on. This worked, but I wonder what made it happen in the first place, Advice appreciated, regards, and thanks

    | Thu 2 Feb 2017 15:58:54 #1 |
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    Sadly Humax no longer support this model including 9200 & 9300 with updated software. I can only guess that the box is now underpowered by the processor trying to do everything & had a freeze & locked up. My only suggestion is to check which Tv/radio channels you really want to use & delete the others. You might find the epg also loads faster + also less lockups with the machine in daily operation. Unfortunately even the newer models can have their problems, but the processors tend to be more powerful, until the software gets outdated & plays up again (!). Hope this tip might help you with you pvr.

    | Thu 2 Feb 2017 19:28:28 #2 |
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    jdlfreetime - 14 minutes ago  » 
    My only suggestion is to check which Tv/radio channels you really want to use & delete the others. You might find the epg also loads faster + also less lockups with the machine in daily operation.

    No, that won't speed up the load of the epg or reduce the number of little freezes it suffers from (or in the case of a 9200T the bigger freezes).
    It is along the right lines though.
    What happens when you delete a channel is that behind the scenes the box still attempt to store all the event details for that channel.

    The only way to reduce the background epg processing that the box does is not to tune into one or more of the multiplexes in the first place.

    How to manual tune is described in the following link
    To reduce the background workload of the 9150/99200/9300 miss out one or more of the multiplexes and also make sure that there are no multiplexes tuned into are duplicates from a second transmitter by otherwise following those instructions.
    I only got rid of my last 9000 series last week but one thing I did always do before a manual retune was to reset to defaults to ensure that the old tuning information was totally cleaned out.

    | Thu 2 Feb 2017 20:06:32 #3 |
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    . . . well reducing the channels did have an effect on my father's old 9200, which kept freezing up within a few minutes, until I removed a load of channels not needed, so it must have some effect with processor loading? It didn't freeze up as much. But, I do agree with regards retuning to multiplexs etc as per Luke's suggestion. It's having the patience to do this process each time you need to retune channels. Good luck WH, hopefully you will see an improvement. Let us know how you get on.

    | Fri 3 Feb 2017 12:45:16 #4 |

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