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Will a factory reset lose the 'to record' list?

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    As per the subject line. My Humax, and that of one of my sons, has decided it won't record some programmes, and misses bits of others. An example for me was on ITV4 when I wanted it to record World Superbikes on Saturday morning. It missed the first few minutes and then went on to record for 53 minutes of what is meant to be a 30 minute programme. My tv, a Sony, can also record (on to a USB stick) and I'd forgotten that I'd programmed that up to record WSB. The tv recorded it all and stopped on time so I don't suspect the broadcasters.

    My sons machine failed to record 'For the love of Cars' last night. He said in an email this morning "Seemingly my Humax is just as flaky as yours. For some reason it decided not to record For the love of cars last night, and denies all knowledge of the rest of the series. That's despite it still having the entry in the schedule."

    So the question finally! If I do a factory reset, will I lose the list of programmes to be recorded. I seem to recall that's what would happen on my Humax 9200. Or is there another solution I should try first?

    | Mon 18 May 2015 11:20:27 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    toner_cloud - 12 minutes ago  » 
    If I do a factory reset, will I lose the list of programmes to be recorded. Or is there another solution I should try first?

    Yes you will loose the schedule of future recordings. If it is just a few programs that are giving problems then I would try deleting those reservations and rescheduling them; sometimes (pretty rare) broadcasters change the series ID midway through a series and that will inevitably confuse the Humax.

    | Mon 18 May 2015 11:35:07 #2 |
  3. Doghouse


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    If you do a factory set, the advice given before, is to first take a photo of your planned recordings so you can enter them again after the re-set.

    | Mon 18 May 2015 14:06:33 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    There were issues with C4 EPG last week.

    It would appear they have now sorted this but any existing series link timers need to be deleted and rescheduled.

    In the case of 'For the Love of Cars' this is definitely the reason as I record it myself, and noticed the timer had not updated so rescheduled and it recorded ok.

    | Mon 18 May 2015 14:07:30 #4 |
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    Ok. I'll pass on the information about the C4 programme to my son. I like the idea from Doghouse of the piccy for programme recordings, but I feel safer writing them down

    Meanwhile, I've powered off my machine for half-an-hour and then reset it.

    I noticed that after the power-off, several programmes - around 30 - re-appeared in the 'schedule' list. I also noticed that as I entered the details for the scheduled programmes again, instead of a delay of a couple of seconds, or more on occasion, the list was updated immediately. So I would hazard a guess that the list had become corrupted somehow. Hopefully it will be fixed now.

    Another question though while I'm here. Do you know if there's a limit to the number of scheduled recordings? I recall there being one on the 9200 but I think it was about double the (corrupted) number on this machine which was 47.

    | Mon 18 May 2015 14:42:25 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    Not sure if you actually mean recordings or timers, in any case there is no limit afaik.

    | Mon 18 May 2015 18:10:20 #6 |
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    Sorry. I should have been clearer. I mean the number of scheduled recordings and not the number of prgrammes that I've already recorded.

    | Mon 18 May 2015 18:52:26 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    toner_cloud - 10 minutes ago  » 
    Sorry. I should have been clearer. I mean the number of scheduled recordings and not the number of prgrammes that I've already recorded.

    There presumably will be some sort of limit, it is however much larger than anyone is likely to experience. Guessing here , it is likely to be a 16 bit number ( (255*256) + 255) = 65535.

    The number of actual recordings you can have is likely to be limited by hard disk space rather than a number you wouldn't reach in any normal situation.

    Earlier models like the 9200 had very limited memory, so the limits were much smaller (In a similar way to the Millenium bug where dates didn't have enough memory storage allocated to count centuries).

    | Mon 18 May 2015 19:08:42 #8 |

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