Hi All, I've had Humax PVRs for about 8 years now and am currently using a 9200T with 320Gb HDD. I have previously removed recordings using a variety of software and am most happy with a GUI interface though I've also previously used a cmd line interface and also direct to USB through a cable attached to the HDD, so I'm no stranger to the process. My current situation is that I have a new media PC running Win 10 64bit and I can't find the correct USB driver to allow Windows to recognise my Humax. My preferred transfer software is 'Humax Media Controller GUI' but when following the installation instructions my PC throws a wobbly at the driver (libusb0.dll). I've tried copying this file to the System32 folder (which is in the Windows PATH) but it still can't find it. I've tried manually installing the driver but Win 10 tells me it is unsigned and hence won't install it. I've also tried to 'disable signed drivers' which will allow me to install it but once I reboot back to 'normal' windows, it again, tells me it is unsigned and refuses to allow it. Thus for me to use the GUI, I'm going to have to go through the 'allow unsigned driver rigmarol' everytime (which is longwinded and awkward to say the least).
Anyone successfully manage to use the GUI with Win 10 and can help me out with a USB driver please?