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Win 7 doesn't see Humax FVP-4000t

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    I'm not convinced you need SMB1 since my Win7 discovers all my devices, although I do not have a 4000/5000.

    | Thu 9 May 2019 16:26:06 #11 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Pollensa1946 - 26 minutes ago  »
    I'm not convinced you need SMB1 since my Win7 discovers all my devices, although I do not have a 4000/5000.

    I can only say that without SMB1 my Windows 10 system won't recognise the Humax FVP as device from which content can be decrypted..

    | Thu 9 May 2019 16:54:04 #12 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    RogerO - 1 hour ago  » 
    On my Win 7 Pro SMB 1.0 is not available in Windows Features. I looked in the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters
    SMB 1 was not there to turn on or off which I believe means it is off.

    I'll dig out a Windows 7 box and see what it has available.

    Also isn't SMB 1.0 a Wanacry vunerability ?

    There are certainly security issues associated with SMB1 which is why Microsoft are keen to kill it. However the problem is that the later versions of SMB are significantly larger which is an issue for things like PVRs with limited RAM and CPU capability. You have to evaluate the risk/reward on your particular network.

    | Thu 9 May 2019 16:58:30 #13 |
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    Some partial success. My new Cat6A long ethernet cable just arrived. The PC now sees the Humax! On the Humax going to settings/media shows the PC as one of the choices!

    Unfortunately when I click on the PC and then either Videos or Pictures the Humax says no videos or no pictures. Windows Media Player is on.

    At any rate I'm off to drill some holes and pull the cable to set up a permanent connection instead of cable strung through the door and across the carpet.

    | Fri 10 May 2019 12:07:58 #14 |
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    All sorted! In Windows Media Player Under 'stream' both "Automatically allow devices to play my media" and "Allow remote control of my player" need to be ticked; however on my machine Media Player must be run as an administrator to allow the "Allow remote control" choice to be ticked. Once ticked Media Player does not have to be run as administrator later.

    I also ran into the problem with showing pictures that the maximum size is 3300x2500 but this is a known problem. I'll just have to copy and bulk reduce before any slide show.

    Thanks everyone for the help and advice.

    | Mon 13 May 2019 15:14:00 #15 |
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    I have also found that Windows Media Player doesn't have to be running on the PC for the FVP-4000 to see videos and pictures on the PC however if any files are added to folders on the PC ( say iplayer downloads) the Humax will not see them until Windows Media Player is started so it can update its library.

    | Thu 16 May 2019 18:26:33 #16 |

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