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Windows 10 and FVP-4000T

(11 posts)
  1. AuricMists


    Joined: Jan '21
    Posts: 15


    Hello all,

    I have a strange issue that is driving me nuts.

    On Windows 8.1, I could see the share 'Humax FVP-5000T DMS' listed in the Folders pane of windows file explorer.
    However, on Windows 10, the share sometimes disappears for a few seconds and then reappears again, causing the list of folders below it to jump up then down again. This behaviour then repeats for a while, sometimes settling down with the share visible and sometimes with it not. This jumping drives me nuts and can cause issues with drag & drop operations.
    The share is still there when not visible because I can open it (when visible) and copy files from it when it is exhibiting this behaviour.

    FVP firmware and WIN 10 are both up-to-date.

    Is this happening to anyone else and is there a fix?

    Thanks for any help.


    | Tue 19 Apr 2022 18:56:02 #1 |
  2. jpv1960


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    I have had this with Windows 10 when using FVP-5000T. Have you tried using a direct cable?

    Seems to be much better now that I have upgraded to Windows 11.

    | Fri 22 Apr 2022 7:48:32 #2 |
  3. AuricMists


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    Thanks for the reply, good to know I'm not alone with this issue.

    Yes, all my ethernet equipment connects via cables and switches at 1Gb.
    Personally, I'm holding off on the switch to Win 11 until it is promoted from a downgrade to a significant upgrade, but that's another issue.

    I also noticed that this behaviour happens only when I am copying or deleting files, particularly if those files are on a USB memory device. It may happen at other times but I have not seen it.

    My gut feeling is that it's a bug in Windows.
    My workaround is to add the device when I need it and remove it again afterwards.

    | Fri 22 Apr 2022 12:42:30 #3 |
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    Just a thought. If you are able to view the drive of fvp-4000 in Windows admin interface, can't think the name of it, maybe try remapping drive letter and see if this makes drive recognisable? I know that if I don't use external hard drive for a while, Windows 10 loses the drive letter. There is either a bug or poor design.

    John L

    | Sat 23 Apr 2022 13:49:27 #4 |
  5. AuricMists


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    @jdlfreetime, The device does not seem to be mapped in any way to a drive letter, as an external USB drive would be, it just appears in the list of devices attached to the PC.
    I have now seen it dis/re-appear when copying files between hard drives on the system, even the C drive, which is an SSD drive.

    I guess I'll just keep it disconnected until I need it - not too much of an inconvenience, really.


    | Wed 27 Apr 2022 22:25:36 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    jdlfreetime - 4 days ago  » 
    Just a thought. If you are able to view the drive of fvp-4000 in Windows admin interface, can't think the name of it, maybe try remapping drive letter and see if this makes drive recognisable?

    The OP said " 'Humax FVP-5000T DMS"; this is the DLNA server, not a SAMBA share; please explain in detail how you would map it.

    | Thu 28 Apr 2022 8:52:32 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    AuricMists - 10 hours ago  » 
    @jdlfreetime, The device does not seem to be mapped in any way to a drive letter, as an external USB drive would be, it just appears in the list of devices attached to the PC.
    I have now seen it dis/re-appear when copying files between hard drives on the system, even the C drive, which is an SSD drive.

    Have a look at your router and see if there are UPnP related settings and if there are try seeing whether changing them helps.

    | Thu 28 Apr 2022 8:54:25 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle - 5 hours ago  » 

    jdlfreetime - 4 days ago  » 
    Just a thought. If you are able to view the drive of fvp-4000 in Windows admin interface, can't think the name of it, maybe try remapping drive letter and see if this makes drive recognisable?

    The OP said " 'Humax FVP-5000T DMS"; this is the DLNA server, not a SAMBA share; please explain in detail how you would map it.

    Hi Martin,
    No idea regarding Dlna server. I just thought of problem from time to time I get with external WD backup drive that loses it's drive letter if not used for a while for file history backup. You have to go into windows 10 admin interface and select another drive letter, but the drive system is NTFS. Hopefully a solution will be found. John L

    | Thu 28 Apr 2022 14:24:42 #8 |
  9. AuricMists


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    Martin Liddle - 2 days ago  » 

    AuricMists - 10 hours ago  » 
    @jdlfreetime, The device does not seem to be mapped in any way to a drive letter, as an external USB drive would be, it just appears in the list of devices attached to the PC.
    I have now seen it dis/re-appear when copying files between hard drives on the system, even the C drive, which is an SSD drive.

    Have a look at your router and see if there are UPnP related settings and if there are try seeing whether changing them helps.

    Martin, Thanks for this suggestion.
    However, switching UPnP off, on the router, does not seem to have any effect on this phenomenon.
    Not does it matter whether Extended UPnP Security is on or off.
    They are the only 2 settings I can see relating to this.
    FWIW, the router is a bog-standard BT Fibre Broadband VDSL.

    | Sat 30 Apr 2022 17:59:57 #9 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    AuricMists - 23 mins ago  » 
    However, switching UPnP off, on the router, does not seem to have any effect on this phenomenon.
    Not does it matter whether Extended UPnP Security is on or off.

    I think it is turning off the Extended UPnP Security that has helped some people but your symptoms are different. Sorry no more ideas.

    | Sat 30 Apr 2022 18:27:13 #10 |

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