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Wireless issues, and no customer service!!

(42 posts)
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    Thanks very much for doing that.

    My conclusion is therefore that the box is faulty.

    Do you think that this is a reasonable conclusion to draw?

    | Sat 15 Dec 2012 11:27:56 #31 |
  2. Barry


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    Indeed, you appear to have tried all that could be asked of you.

    Dongle appears to work in PC so that rules out a duff one as I have with the UAN variant, other equipment located in same area connecting successfully, wirelessly..

    Time to contact retailer and arrange a swap out perhaps?

    | Sat 15 Dec 2012 11:48:27 #32 |
  3. chistery


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    Gr4z  » 
    I have the Edimax EW-7711UAN. Simply does not work with my 1TB box and a BT Homehub. Now sits in the drawer gathering dust.

    Same here, it connects, says connected at 65meg, but iplayer won't load.

    | Sat 15 Dec 2012 20:15:03 #33 |
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    It is worth adding that it isn't just the Edimax dongles, but the official Humax ones too which don't always work. I've had about 40% failure rate yet the dongles work on a PC/MAC and also on the HDR-FOX T2, so this would suggest that the software in the HDR-1000S isn't suited to all router setups. Humax appear not to have an answer (no surprised from their technical team!). Suggestion, homeplugs!

    | Tue 18 Dec 2012 19:30:13 #34 |
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    My first EW7711Uan didn't work with my Fox T2 (didn't find my network SSIDs) or my PCs, but after consulting with Edimax, I returned the dongle for a replacement, which worked perfectly, connectiong to my NAS drives and on demand TV, proving that there are duff ones out there.

    Also, tried the same dongle in my HDR1000S. It found the network, linked to it but will only connect to my NAS drives and not BBC or ITV on demand services. It instead reports an error that the link is broken, or similar. The on demand services work perfectly through the LAN connection. I mailed Humax 2 weeks ago after spending 25 minutes in their phone queue to no avail, and they haven't bothered to reply. Any thought?



    | Wed 19 Dec 2012 19:35:40 #35 |
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    Well...... the plot thickens!
    Thanks, everyone for your various inputs.

    I'm glad that it's not just me who's suffering at the hands of the Humax so-called support team. I have to say that, having emailed them, sent them a letter, and tried the 5p per minute help line (wasting nearly 25 minutes and still not getting my call answered) and having no response from them whatsoever, I think it's quite reasonable now, to openly advise anyone else who's considering purchasing a Humax product, to buy another manufacturer's box, based on the complete failure by Humax UK to respond to some (all?) of their customers' attempts to contact them for support. I feel that Humax are mis-advertising a customer support service, and folk like me, who purchased a product based on the availability of such a service, have therefore been mis-sold a product, and would quite likely be successful in a court action to recover all reasonable costs associated with the purchase, and subsequent time-wasting on attempts to contact Humax support.

    Well - I promised to keep everyone updated....

    I took the box back to Richer Sounds from where I purchased it, and they tried a Humax dongle, which found wireless networks straight away. However, it still wouldn't play I player or ITV Player. They swapped the box for a new one.
    I've tried it at home, but have the same result. Dongle won't find any networks.
    lots of wasted time, very annoyed!

    May try asking Edimax to let me have a replacement dongle....just in case....

    | Sun 23 Dec 2012 11:42:34 #36 |
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    Thought this might be of use to anyone struggling to get the Edimax EW-7711UMN wifi dongle working.

    Connected the dongle up and it was recognised by the Humax straight away but refused to connect to the 2 wifi networks I have.
    Dongle worked perfectly when connected to a PC so I knew it wasn't the dongle.

    So I went through a process of elimination changing one item at a time on the router and trying it out.

    With an open network it connected straight away but no joy with either WPA or WPA2.

    Tried a few other combinations ie removing numbers and capital letters from the SSID and password and ended up with the following solution:- the SSID can't have spaces in it which both of mine did. Capitals and numbers are perfectly OK in both the SSID and password just don't use spaces.

    Wifi connects at 65Mps and no problems streaming iPlayer HD. £10 well spent !!

    Hope this is of use to someone.


    | Mon 1 Apr 2013 13:01:14 #37 |
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    I've just unpacked and plugged in my 1000s, and I'm happy to confirm that my EDIMAX EW-7711UAn configured correctly, and all is well with the iPlayer.

    My SSID has no spaces and no upper case letters. My router is on WPA and WPA2.

    | Fri 14 Jun 2013 11:36:14 #38 |
  9. Barry


    senior admin
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    Welcome to the Forum

    Thank you for your feedback.

    | Fri 14 Jun 2013 11:38:35 #39 |
  10. nssvn


    Joined: May '15
    Posts: 29


    Not sure if this thread got closed off elsewhere but I just bought this one and it works perfectly... Tenda W311U+ USB Wireless n 150Mbps Adaptor with Detachable Antenna Price £6.99 + £1.99 delivery from Amazon.

    | Sat 30 May 2015 7:25:53 #40 |

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