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Won’t wake from standby

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    Any ideas as to why my Aura box has suddenly stopped waking from standby ? Short press power down / restart is ok. However , If I do long press and hit ok when prompted , (a) does not power down fully (can still hear the HDD whirling away faintly in the background) - red light is on and (b) does not wake on any key press. I have to turn on/off at the mains .
    It was working just fine .
    Thanks John

    | Mon 14 Dec 2020 23:05:05 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    1. Shutting down with long press to be fully off is not immediate, it can take up to 2 mins 30 secs for the unit to fully shutdown - handy to have something like a usb hub with activity led attached to usb port as I have for a visual indication that unit is fully off.

    2. Booting from long press standby is not immediate can take 45 seconds or more, the front led may cycle red/blue a couple of times.

    | Mon 14 Dec 2020 23:22:20 #2 |
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    Barry - 11 hours ago  » 
    1. Shutting down with long press to be fully off is not immediate, it can take up to 2 mins 30 secs for the unit to fully shutdown - handy to have something like a usb hub with activity led attached to usb port as I have for a visual indication that unit is fully off.
    2. Booting from long press standby is not immediate can take 45 seconds or more, the front led may cycle red/blue a couple of times.

    When I shut mine down sometimes it simply doesn't go into deep shutdown. It continues using 7W or so (and continues to do so no matter how long you leave it) so more like active shutdown but then will not respond to remote to wake up and has to be unplugged to reset. It seems to be related to attempting to go into deep standby too soon after watching and deleting a program. If I leave it for a minute before I try to deep shutdown it seems to work properly.

    | Tue 15 Dec 2020 10:33:14 #3 |
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    I have the same problem with my Aura. When attempting to put it into deep standby,I have, at best, a 50% chance of doing so successfully. It is just as likely to go into the unresponsive state described here, with the HDD still spinning. I have tried leaving it unattended for several minutes, powering down from within different screen displays etc, but nothing seems to improve my chances of success. Pulling the plug out and re-booting usually resolves the problem, but sometimes requires more than one attempt.

    | Mon 4 Jan 2021 12:02:54 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Malc63 - 1 min ago  » 
    I have the same problem with my Aura. When attempting to put it into deep standby,I have, at best, a 50% chance of doing so successfully. It is just as likely to go into the unresponsive state described here, with the HDD still spinning. I have tried leaving it unattended for several minutes, powering down from within different screen displays etc, but nothing seems to improve my chances of success. Pulling the plug out and re-booting usually resolves the problem, but sometimes requires more than one attempt.

    The current firmware has a problem with full sby. If it does wake up to make a recording it fails to return to full sby. Recommend you use active sby (short push) till Humax sort this out. You have to patient when waking the box from full sby. Nothing seems to happen for up to 2 mins. If you wait it should eventually boot.

    | Mon 4 Jan 2021 12:07:36 #5 |
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    Thanks for your help. I would prefer to leave it in deep standby overnight, but I guess I shall just have to be patient and hope that they resolve this issue with the next firmware update.

    | Mon 4 Jan 2021 12:28:27 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    Malc63 - 50 mins ago  » 
    Thanks for your help. I would prefer to leave it in deep standby overnight, but I guess I shall just have to be patient and hope that they resolve this issue with the next firmware update.

    If you don't have any recordings overnight or till after you can wake the box in the morning. You should be able to use full sby last thing in the evening after all recordings are complete. Just bear in mind it seems like an age to boot after pushing the power button. It should eventually display the android loading animation.

    | Mon 4 Jan 2021 13:22:02 #7 |
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    I'm having the same issue with the Aura not always going into deep standby. I initially thought it might be down to a couple of apps I use preventing it shutting down, but even after force closing them it still does it.

    Last night I managed to get the Aura into a deep standby before going to sleep as the box is located in the bedroom.
    Around 0230 I woke & noticed that the blue led was back on & the hard drive was active. I tried to put it back into a deep standby, the red led came on but the whirring noise continued. I left it & this morning I had to reboot as the box would not wake back up.
    Looks like I will have to power down each night as the noise annoys the wife.

    | Mon 18 Jan 2021 11:10:30 #8 |
  9. Mike0001


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    It's worse than that. I don't use deep standby, but when I switch it on from shallow standby, when it is recording, the front light goes yellowy white, I get sound on the TV but no picture. This persists until the recording ends, when the front light reverts to blue and the picture returns.

    I thought that funny light colour was connected to deep standby. So what is going on here? Why sound but no picture? My setup is HDMI to the TV and then optical out from TV to the amp.

    | Mon 6 Sep 2021 8:40:56 #9 |

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