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Won't switch on when recording

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    Hello everyone, I am new to this forum. My HDR-1000S, purchased almost one year ago, has started misbehaving with an intermittent fault. Sometimes when it is in standby and recording, it will not let me switch it on. It won’t respond to the remote or the front panel controls. As soon as it finishes recording it behaves perfectly, letting me switch it on and use it as per normal. It doesn’t matter if it is recording one channel or two. This is deeply annoying. Can anyone suggest why it is doing this?

    Also, today, another fault. When I switched it on this morning it told me I had no recordings, when last night my 500G drive was 30% full. I switched if back off and tried again this afternoon, and it was behaving normally again with all the recordings there again. Can anyone help? I am baffled.

    I would like to get it sorted and feel confident in the machine again. When working properly it is an excellent machine.

    | Wed 2 Oct 2013 17:50:05 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to the Forum

    Taking for granted you have the latest software uploaded.

    1. Log you problem with Humax support by telephone, just in case a swap out is required.

    2. Only suggestions would be a factory reset, and if that does not improve matters a HDD format.

    | Thu 3 Oct 2013 9:50:19 #2 |
  3. -gonzo-


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    With the issue of not responding while recording in standby, is it that there's actually no response or is that your not seeing anything on screen which gives the impression of it not responding?
    Since the last update there has been an issue where with some TVs when recording from standby, nothing displays on screen at switch on. Turning the TV on first until it's fully on and then turn on the Humax on resolves that issue.

    | Thu 3 Oct 2013 10:13:46 #3 |
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    Gents, thank you for the prompt responses.

    Barry, I think I have the latest software, 1.00.59 downloaded 22 July this year. I have done a factory reset, I will see if that improves things. I shall also follow your advice and call Humax support in the morning.

    Gonzo, the Humax refuses to respond at all, remaining in standby mode until the recording is over. I know the problem you are refering to, as after the last update I had that problem too! I solved that by looking at every setting on my TV and found one called "control with HDMI" and when I set that from on to off peace and harmony was restored to our house.

    | Thu 3 Oct 2013 18:55:06 #4 |
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    Hi Bill,
    Do you solve this problem?
    It keeps happening to me.


    | Wed 19 Mar 2014 10:22:19 #5 |
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    Sorry but I couldn't fix it. Since my Panasonic TV was an early 23" LCD, I decided to buy a new bigger tv. I bought a Samsung. It works fine. Apparently the HDMI spec is over-complex and each manufacturer interprets how it works a bit differently, leading to interaction problems between different makes. I don't think Humax are faultless in this as it all used to work fine, and then it didn't. The Humax help line was pretty useless.

    | Wed 19 Mar 2014 21:48:54 #6 |
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    Thanks Bill,
    I suspect I have the same problem but my TV is a Samsung I bought in 2010. I've noticed it sometimes connects using CNET and displays a name for Humax (Tuner) rather than simply HDMI 2. Other times it only has HDMI 2.
    I'm going to try turning on the TV first, wait till it's fully warmed up and then turn on the Humax and visa versa. I usually turn them on at the same time which may be causing a handshake problem.

    | Thu 20 Mar 2014 8:02:33 #7 |
  8. -gonzo-


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    MytsicM - 47 minutes ago  » 
    Thanks Bill,
    I suspect I have the same problem but my TV is a Samsung I bought in 2010. I've noticed it sometimes connects using CNET and displays a name for Humax (Tuner) rather than simply HDMI 2. Other times it only has HDMI 2.
    I'm going to try turning on the TV first, wait till it's fully warmed up and then turn on the Humax and visa versa. I usually turn them on at the same time which may be causing a handshake problem.

    Try dissabling Anynet+ on the TV.

    | Thu 20 Mar 2014 8:50:40 #8 |
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    I used the wrong term in my last message. I meant "Anynet+" rather than "CNET". I have disabled it on my TV and am hoping this will fix the problem.


    | Thu 20 Mar 2014 18:34:18 #9 |
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    Ah, just saw your response Gonzo - great minds!

    | Thu 20 Mar 2014 18:35:42 #10 |

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