My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T


Remote control has stopped working - unit failing to respond.

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    OK, thanks. Do you know any reason why manual or automatic software update does not find new software?

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 10:20:15 #271 |
  2. Barry


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    A number of reasons have been reported, some perculiar to other variants of the PVR.

    1. The most obvious, the OTA is not currently being broadcast.
    2. An error occured during the update process requiring a default reset, and try again.
    3. Incorrect system id, although I have only seen this happen on a 9300.
    4. Very old loader software.

    Can you post, using the menu I stated before, the system id, and loader version numbers on your unit.

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 10:26:59 #272 |
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    Here are the full details:
    Hardware version: Rev 1.0
    Loader Version: a 4.38
    System ID: 3024.0000
    Update Date: Mar 16 2010
    Slot 1: Empty

    Hasn't been updated since March 2010, even though I have automatic updates enabled, but I now realise that the unit needs to be on standby, which it hasn't been.

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 10:34:17 #273 |
  4. Barry


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    No problems with your loader or system id.

    Unless you source cables before hand, try to update Tues after 10am.

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 10:37:36 #274 |
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    Thank you. To confirm, the only way to get the latest software outside the OTA is by cable to the PC, other than that, wait for the timeslot?

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 10:41:51 #275 |
  6. Barry


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    Yes that is correct.

    If you are available during the day on Tuesday I would try forcing the update either automatically or manually as per:

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 10:45:00 #276 |
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    Thank you. I'll run it on Tuesday and see what happens.

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 10:59:55 #277 |
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    Had my trusty Humax 9150 for a couple of years now which ran without a hitch, & still have an old 8000T in use in the bedroom. When this problem started a couple of weeks ago, i put an old Thomson DT16300 back in service and assumed that my 9150 was on its last legs.

    With the problem continuing i started to check out options to upgrade the 9150 today, but then i came across this forum and was pleased to see that i am not alone!!

    I'll do the software update next tuesday and hope all will be well.


    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 17:30:41 #278 |
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    Sorry for late reply Biggles.Have been away from computer.
    Yes batteries changed in remote,but no difference.Remote works now after checking hard disc and doing long (soak) test by leaving PVR on BBC1 programme for 12 hours.I now switch off fully after use,avoiding standby.I usually get an e mail when updates are being transmitted so no loss there.
    Thanks to everyone who have made suggestions

    | Sat 14 Jan 2012 16:03:13 #279 |
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    My 9300t continues to show PVR-9300t on the display and flashing the software via a RS232 cable seems to fail too - the cable is OK according to the software utility, but the PVR refuses to participate! It really does seem that the unit is well and truly stuck in a state of limbo (won't react to menu or remote/won't take on board any flashing).
    Is my unit well and truly dead and past the point of no return??

    | Sun 15 Jan 2012 20:22:12 #280 |

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