My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

2000T Dead?

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    My Humax 2000T Freeview has been reliable but today nothing happens when I press the stand-by button on the remote or that on top of the box. The Remote has new batteries and the power supply delivers 12V. When I use the aerial pass through I get no signal at the TV but the aerial connected direct to the TV is fine so I presume the internal psu may be faulty.
    My unit is out of warranty so will have to open it up. Anyone have a link telling me what the fault is and the components needed?
    Can survive a few days with TVbut not be able to record or playback is a bind!

    | Sun 26 Aug 2018 22:00:06 #1 |
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    MyHumax1 - 18 hours ago  » 
    My Humax 2000T Freeview has been reliable but today nothing happens when I press the stand-by button on the remote or that on top of the box. The Remote has new batteries and the power supply delivers 12V. When I use the aerial pass through I get no signal at the TV but the aerial connected direct to the TV is fine so I presume the internal psu may be faulty.
    My unit is out of warranty so will have to open it up. Anyone have a link telling me what the fault is and the components needed?

    Please would you confirm he model? The Humax HDR-2000T does not have a button on top of the box. The on/off touch area is located on the front of the HDR-2000T.

    Which ever model it is there are many things that can go wrong with it. To fix it you will need to narrow down what is wrong with it. With out doing that any 'fix' will just be a guess.
    You don't say what lights are being displayed on the box. From your description possibly the wall plug has been switched off or disconnected, or the external PSU has been disconnected.

    | Mon 27 Aug 2018 16:32:42 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Neither does the Youview box DTR-2000T.

    Pretty sure the HDR-2000T has an internal power supply so no 12V input.

    The Freeview-Play FVP-4000T/5000T have power buttons on the top right hand side.

    The satellite HDR-1100S also has the power buttons (Both use the pie dish shaped case).

    | Mon 27 Aug 2018 16:47:24 #3 |
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    My humax 2000T has a standby button at left of the top. It has no on/off switch. It has a 12V supply.

    | Mon 27 Aug 2018 17:59:46 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    MyHumax1 - 47 minutes ago  » 
    My humax 2000T has a standby button at left of the top. It has no on/off switch. It has a 12V supply.

    There are two Humax models in the UK that include 2000T, all have a prefix that indicates the actual model. The model should be on the sticker on the actual box. If you aren't in the UK it's likely to be a model we do not have here.



    Neither of these have any buttons on the top.

    If you aren't in the UK without the full model number and your location you are unlikely to find a member that recognises what the box you have is.

    The full model number should be on a sticker on the box.

    A quick check on the Humax Australia website shows no 2000T model exists.

    A Google search on Humax 2000T finds only the two UK models shown above.

    | Mon 27 Aug 2018 19:00:23 #5 |
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    Thanks. My memory let me down - the buttons are on the front not the top: I was thinking of our 4000T. The model is the HDR-2000T

    | Tue 28 Aug 2018 7:34:25 #6 |
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    Is the status light of the HDR-2000T operative? If so which colour is it?
    If it is not illuminated then have you checked the power connection?

    | Tue 28 Aug 2018 9:38:11 #7 |
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    Neither red nor blue lights on. The 12V psu shows 12V on my multimeter

    | Tue 28 Aug 2018 10:50:21 #8 |
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    I have pressed both the standby on the remote and the front panel an have also held them on for about 5 sec

    | Tue 28 Aug 2018 10:53:43 #9 |
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    You say you have measured the PSU output and it reads 12v on your multimeter. Did you measure the 12v with the DC plug removed? If so there would be no 'load', and could be giving a false reading. When connected to the PVR, and so 'on load' the voltage could be low. If you can try another PSU.

    | Tue 28 Aug 2018 15:31:05 #10 |

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