My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

2000T Dead?

(29 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    MyHumax1 - 32 minutes ago  » 
    I can see the points where the psu socket fits on the motherboard.
    The voltage there is 12VDC. I will take the board out to check the other side.

    That's fine. Is it still 12V if you press the power on button ?

    | Tue 20 Nov 2018 12:15:41 #21 |
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    There isn't one on the 2000T. Only the standby button on the front

    | Tue 20 Nov 2018 12:57:32 #22 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    MyHumax1 - 41 minutes ago  » 
    There isn't one on the 2000T. Only the standby button on the front

    That's the button I mean. I want you to try and boot the box from sby to see if the voltage stays at 12V,

    | Tue 20 Nov 2018 13:39:43 #23 |
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    Yes it does

    | Tue 20 Nov 2018 14:36:52 #24 |
  5. Trev


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    Sounds like your original diagnosis was correct then?

    | Wed 21 Nov 2018 7:52:57 #25 |
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    Seems so. Despite it being exactly the same problem as earlier from which it suddenly came back to life. Is there anyone who can repair these???

    As a long shot I unsoldered the three capacitors and fitted new pioneer ones but no difference.

    I have bit the bullet and bought a 5000T. Is it possible to connect the 2000T HD to my PC and copy files to a USB stick. I know they are encrypted and this is removed if ported from the original system but of course I cannot do that when it wont power up!

    | Sat 8 Dec 2018 18:35:22 #26 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    You can disconnect the drive and connect it to a PC using a sata cradle by usb. To read the EXT3 File system the PC will need to be booted into Linux or have the EXTFS Linux File system driver installed,

    The SD xxxx.ts video files (mpeg 2 video compressed) aren't encrypted only the HD ones (H264/AVC) so you can use them on your new box or replay them from a usb mass storage device. . Without the original box working you can't do much about these. If you can get it working there are ways to recover them that we can't discuss here in the open forum.

    | Sun 9 Dec 2018 9:37:25 #27 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    grahamlthompson - 4 minutes ago  » 
    The SD xxxx.ts video files (mpeg 2 video compressed) aren't encrypted only the HD ones (H264/AVC) so you can use them on your new box or replay them from a usb mass storage device.

    I don't think that is correct on an HDR-2000T. All the video files are encrypted.

    | Sun 9 Dec 2018 9:43:07 #28 |
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    Trev - 3 weeks ago  » 
    Sounds like your original diagnosis was correct then?

    Having just forked out for a 5000T I tried the 2000T once more. Nothing!
    I wiggled the cable connector at the USB port at the front right and the status light lit and remote worked. So perhaps the connection there has been flaky.

    | Sun 16 Dec 2018 19:43:37 #29 |

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