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9150T Aspect Ratio Resets Itself + Loses Programmi

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    Hi, I hope someone can advise me, please!
    I have a 9150T which has worked well for several years.
    Recently it has started, overnight, to reset the Aspect Ratio [from widescreen (16x9?) to 4x3] AND lose all my scheduled programming.
    It had not lost all the recorded programs already on the HDD.
    Luckily the PVR shows just the RED LED to indicate this problem so I know it has happened.
    I have deleted all the recordings, reformatted the HDD, reset the PVR retuned all the channels and reset my programmed recording.
    I thought this had it sorted - but it has occurred again, overnight.
    So I am at a loss as to what to do now.
    Has anyone any suggestions please?
    I don't really want to buy a new one but if that's what it takes...

    | Sat 20 Feb 2016 17:11:55 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    steamer - 21 minutes ago  » 
    So I am at a loss as to what to do now.
    Has anyone any suggestions please?

    There are many reports of this problem, see for instance Link to thread on loss of recording schedule. I don't know of a permanent fix.

    | Sat 20 Feb 2016 17:36:35 #2 |
  3. andyfras


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    Perhaps it needs some new PSU capacitors?

    | Sun 21 Feb 2016 11:37:15 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    andyfras - 39 minutes ago  » 
    Perhaps it needs some new PSU capacitors?

    I think a few have tried that without success but it is an odd problem that doesn't affect the earlier 9200T which uses similar software so I do suspect a hardware issue; my best guess is that the flash RAM used to store the schedule and settings is wearing out.

    | Sun 21 Feb 2016 12:20:03 #4 |
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    Thanks Martin and andyfras for the suggestions. After I posted yesterday I then noticed the other threads about this problem.
    My 9150T is playing up worse than ever today so looks something is deteriorating fast and so a trip to Richer Sounds is on the cards tomorrow!
    Thanks again for the advice.

    | Sun 21 Feb 2016 18:06:43 #5 |

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