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PVR-9150T Recording Schedule Issue

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    I have just joined the forum because of problems I have just started experiencing with my Humax 9150T. This week for some unknown reason the automatic recording schedule entries have all disappeared. Have re-entered all entries 3 x times now.
    Within 1-2 days the schedule is totally blank again!!!
    Have any other users experienced this problem?
    This unit is 5 years old now and the last software update shows as 2011. There doesn't appear to be any later software update for this unit.

    | Sat 25 Jul 2015 15:49:23 #1 |
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    I am having the exact same problem, its just started last week, I contacted Humax and was told to do a reset, which will wipe out all my preplanned recording schedules, just what I DO NOT need! I have even tried unplugging at night, but as soon as I power up again, the schedules are wiped! so very annoying, can anyone help?

    | Sat 25 Jul 2015 19:18:17 #2 |
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    What a coincidence Minty17 to have exactly the same issue and ours only started at the beginning of this week too!!
    We haven't done anything different at all because as you know once the unit is set up, that's it!
    I made a couple of changes yesterday to see if it helped but again all gone this morning. So today, I did a "Default to Factory Settings" which meant creating the recording schedule(s) again. Incidentally, some of them to test, not all at this stage.
    Will update this post tomorrow with results

    | Sat 25 Jul 2015 20:20:25 #3 |
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    Well today the Recording schedule is still intact!
    This was intact for 2 days last week so just going to monitor.
    The other things that I did do in last 2 days was to:
    Disable Automatic Software Update - as none appear to be happening. Also, Power Standby is set to On. Cant remember how this was set before but these are the only changes made since schedule removal issue started.
    Perhaps the "Default Reset" was all that was needed. Bit like the old CTRL-ALT-DEL

    | Sun 26 Jul 2015 9:14:11 #4 |
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    Well the saga continues and today........... the recording schedule is blank again!!!
    We know when it has failed because the timer light on the front display is not lit
    The other curious thing linked to this is that we control the volume from the TV leaving the Humax on full volume. Well the volume bars on the Humax have also decreased about half way and we have to turn this up to full volume. This was never a problem before. Something very odd has happened during the last 2 weeks that we cant explain. I have taken some screen shots of settings today as it's getting confusing over what I am changing each time. Something seems to be resetting itself that's for sure!!!
    Can anyone else add to this mystery?

    | Mon 27 Jul 2015 9:48:25 #5 |
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    twofords - 1 day ago  » I did a "Default to Factory Settings" which meant creating the recording schedule(s) again.

    twofords - 1 hour ago  » 
    the volume bars on the Humax have also decreased about half way and we have to turn this up to full volume.

    The default setting for the volume is half way. In addition to the actions to do after a default setting you will also need to add 'adjust the volume'.

    | Mon 27 Jul 2015 11:17:21 #6 |
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    Thanks for your comment Luke but the volume issue was there before I reset to Default. However, the volume issue also only started last week at the same time as the recording schedule kept disappearing. I never mentioned it at the time as I didn't want to add too much to the recording schedule loss issue which is much more disturbing than the volume issue.

    | Mon 27 Jul 2015 14:39:13 #7 |
  8. Biggles


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    My friend has a 9300 and is not suffering the problem you are seeing. What you are seeing suggests your machine is doing a Default Setting all on its own but I have no idea why. What about the screen ratio Menu > Preferences > A/V Control > Screen Ratio, is that reverting to its default of 4:3? Also the software Regular Auto Update, is that being enabled (the default) after you have disabled it? As Luke says, the default for volume is 50%.

    | Mon 27 Jul 2015 20:21:32 #8 |
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    Biggles - 37 minutes ago  » 
    My friend has a 9300 and is not suffering the problem you are seeing. What you are seeing suggests your machine is doing a Default Setting all on its own but I have no idea why.

    With a default setting it also wipes out the tuning.

    There have been a lot of threads on 'overnight' semi resets occuring with varying frequency. The first reports were all for the 9300T but this year was the first I remember seeing for the for the 9150T. The last new thread I saw was only last month but I can't remember where.

    Some 9300T examples which a quickly grabbed. Hopefully not too quick and they are the same issue, but there are loads to choose from if you can find them.

    Edit: A couple of 9150T threads with similar sounding issues:

    | Mon 27 Jul 2015 21:08:19 #9 |
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    Thanks guys for your comments and advice.

    Earlier this evening I turned the unit off for 10 mins and then put back on. Recording schedule and volume all present and correct.

    I'll update here tomorrow when I check the unit in the morning.

    | Mon 27 Jul 2015 21:47:24 #10 |

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