My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T

9200t not recording unless on

(14 posts)
  1. Biggles


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    aldaweb - 58 minutes ago  » 
    Edit: oops that link is for the HD models but is basically similar on the 9200t, select your transmitter, note down the channel numbers except the HD mux and autotune and immediadetly stop to clear the channels, then manually tune each mux in turn.

    A link for manually tuning the SD models.

    | Fri 27 Apr 2012 20:45:39 #11 |
  2. aldaweb


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 400


    Thanks for that Les.
    I was on call so had to dash off before I had a chance to get the correct link. I'll amend my post above.

    Withnail73 - 16 hours ago  » 
    Cheers, will give the manual retune a go...and if ain't that?

    If that doesn't solve it then turn off the box at the mains for at least 30 seconds then on powering back up do a default reset. (FAQ How Do I Do A Default Reset And What Settings Will It Affect?) Note that will clear your recording schedule and you may need to manually tune again. Hopefully that won't be necessary.

    | Sat 28 Apr 2012 12:33:41 #12 |
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    Withnail73 - 1 week ago  » 
    Cheers, will give the manual retune a go...and if ain't that?

    Then be prepared to explain why you thought you did the manual retune as described!
    It works for most.
    For those who it fails most of the failures appear to be because they did not follow the instructions.

    | Sun 6 May 2012 13:24:48 #13 |
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    Update...I decided to wait and not retune. It seems to have been a blip - very strange. Happened about three times but has been fine since. Thanks for the advice anyhow.

    | Mon 7 May 2012 20:53:49 #14 |

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