My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T

9200T not responding

(12 posts)
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    junior member
    Joined: Nov '14
    Posts: 7


    We got rid of the Humax eventually as it continued to malfunction and drove us nuts too. We got a Now TV smart box instead and now watch everything we miss on catch up plus my husband can watch the golf as we have a running monthly Sky sports pass!

    | Tue 8 Aug 2017 7:47:01 #11 |
  2. Biggles


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    Gerry Chuck - 10 hours ago  » 
    I wonder whether sylviesinc's new remote fixed the problem in the long run? My 9200T has been drivin me nuts for months...

    I very much doubt it and now we know. My 9200 sometimes performs well and I don't have a new remote, but sometimes it doesn't. I run mine tuned to just three multiplexes and it's tolerable most of the time.

    | Tue 8 Aug 2017 9:12:49 #12 |

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