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9200T - Recording problem

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    My 9200T has developed a problem - when I schedule a recording in the programme guide it will only record the programme if I leave the 9200T on - if I put it on standby then it won't record the programme. Any suggestions?



    | Mon 28 Oct 2013 18:13:35 #1 |
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    To quote Biggles from another thread from earlier today ..

    Biggles - 7 hours ago  » 
    Just confirm you have --:-- in STANDBY and not ---- before doing anything but my guess is you've got --:--.
    You need to look at this thread but the link to JefUK's dismantling instructions on doesn't work so also look at this thread where it does work. Also look at my recent post #356 on the Digital Spy thread.

    | Mon 28 Oct 2013 18:34:23 #2 |
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    Thanks Luke, yes I have --:-- in STANDBY so will give it a clean as advised in the links.

    | Mon 28 Oct 2013 19:52:48 #3 |
  4. Biggles


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    Interesting that there's been no reported clock problems for a long time then several in the last week or so. Change in the weather, central heating coming on???

    | Mon 28 Oct 2013 21:12:52 #4 |
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    I just joined the forum because I have a similar problem to the one reported above. 9200T that won't record from a programmed event - but will record if I just press the red button. Problem developed about 6 - 8 weeks ago. I replaced the hard disc last week but that didn't fix it. I only just worked out that it WILL record a programmed event when it's not in stand-by so it sounds like the clock problem. The difference is that I'm pretty sure that the clock shows the correct time when in stand-by. I will check when I get home ... and I will try the cleaning process when I get time anyway. It can't do any harm.

    In my case it doesn't correspond to the central heating coming on Biggles .... but the colder weather might have brought more humidity / condensation. No idea if that could be a factor.


    | Wed 30 Oct 2013 17:35:54 #5 |
  6. Biggles


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    Hi MS_Boffin, welcome. If your clock does show the time in STANDBY then you do not have the clock problem. However there is the possibility that your clock is on the verge of failing and maybe sometimes shows the time and sometimes doesn't, keep an eye on it and report back.

    | Wed 30 Oct 2013 21:56:20 #6 |
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    So when I got home from work I checked the display and was surprised to see --:-- I was convinced that I had seen the correct time displayed only yesterday. Out of standby, the correct time appears and the clock digits are noticeably dimmer than the rest of the display. When I put the box back into standby, it displays the correct time. I haven't watched it for long enough to see how long it takes for the clock to go back to --:-- but it surely must because I have not been able to record anything from standby for weeks. I have turned the box back to standby several times tonight and most times it displays --:-- I get the impression that the longer it's been powered up, the more likely it is to NOT show the clock when I go back to standby, but I can't be certain of that. Anyway, it seems you are right and the clock display is in the early stages of failure. I probably don't have time to go through the cleaning procedure until weekend but I will definitely give it a go and report back.

    While I was typing the above, I was occasionally switching the box in and out of standby to see how often the clock was correctly displayed. The answer was zero .... but right now the box is in operate and I am watching the clock display blinking between --:-- and the correct time (about once per second). Clearly not normal behavior and the longer I leave it, the longer the periods of blank display get - 2 or 3 seconds now followed by just a quick flash (a fraction of a second)of normal clock display. Turning the box off and on with the power switch on the back of the unit stops the clock flashing but still gives me --:-- in standby. When the box first came back on from that reset, the clock displayed 12:00 so it seems like it had not kept track of time while powered off for only a 10 - 15 seconds. Seems like whatever I do now, I cannot get the clock to display correctly in standby so it may have failed completely while I have been watching.

    I noticed in the previous threads that some people had purchased new clock display boards. Are they still available for the 9200T? I would rather do that than buy a new PVR (if the cleaning doesn't work) as there is a chance that we may change to FreeSat in the next 6 months or so.

    Thanks for your help. It is a great relief to be able to talk to people who understand the problem and have experienced it first hand!


    | Thu 31 Oct 2013 3:50:47 #7 |
  8. Biggles


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    MS_Boffin - 13 hours ago  » 
    While I was typing the above, I was occasionally switching the box in and out of standby to see how often the clock was correctly displayed. The answer was zero .... but right now the box is in operate and I am watching the clock display blinking between --:-- and the correct time (about once per second). Clearly not normal behavior and the longer I leave it, the longer the periods of blank display get - 2 or 3 seconds now followed by just a quick flash (a fraction of a second)of normal clock display.

    I'm a bit puzzled about this behaviour, I don't recall anybody reporting it before. Follow my instructions to repair the clock taking note of what I say in the quote of Luke's post #2 in this thread and see how it goes.

    My guess is Humax will still have some boards left but you'll have to ask them, they've probably not sold many in the last couple of years. A new board will give you a bright display again, for a while, and they did cost about £30.

    | Thu 31 Oct 2013 18:03:22 #8 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Biggles - 1 hour ago  » 
    I'm a bit puzzled about this behaviour, I don't recall anybody reporting it before.

    I have seen that behaviour and I believe it occurs at an intermediate stage between the clock board behaving properly and not working at all in standby.

    | Thu 31 Oct 2013 19:24:05 #9 |
  10. Biggles


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    Martin Liddle - 1 hour ago  » 

    Biggles - 1 hour ago  » 
    I'm a bit puzzled about this behaviour, I don't recall anybody reporting it before.

    I have seen that behaviour and I believe it occurs at an intermediate stage between the clock board behaving properly and not working at all in standby.

    Hi Martin, just to confirm, I believe MS_Boffin is saying this blinking display happened with the 9200 switched ON?

    | Thu 31 Oct 2013 20:54:04 #10 |

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