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9300 recording failure (Scott & Bailey)

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    ianmcneil - 5 hours ago  » 
    Are you saying that the Freeview channel line-up is going to change in the future, or just pointing out that it may change

    The line up frequently changes on the commercial frequencies. For example 4seven has had a place marker created ready for its launch. The public sector channels do not change so often but recently an extra channel has been added ready to start broadcasting during the Olympics.

    ianmcneil - 5 hours ago  » 
    And can I simply delete all the 8xx radio channels (there are no 8xx TV channels)?

    You could get lucky. But even if you are you will not know if any issues that come up in future are down to the tuning or some other cause. Why make life more difficult for yourself?

    | Tue 8 May 2012 12:01:37 #11 |
  2. Biggles


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    Thanks Luke, been a bit busy today, tea break now.

    As Luke says the main channels don't normally change although we did have Five+1 come on stream a short while ago which I used soon after re-tuning for it. It's probably best to keep the tuning reasonably up to date even if it does mean shopping channels and plastically enhanced ladies. Once you've done the Manual Search correctly you can then delete all the unwanted channels if you want but personally I don't see the point in doing that.

    If you knew what you were doing you could check through your current channels to see which transmitter they were all coming from, then you could decide if simply deleting the 800s channels was a possibility. The trouble is that's more of a faff than doing the Manual Search and knowing that all channels will be correct and up to date.

    | Tue 8 May 2012 15:40:22 #12 |

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