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9300T issues

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    Forgive me as a newbie if my queries have appeared before but I can't find immediate answers.

    I have a 9300T which has worked well enough for several years, although a new hard drive was needed a few years back. TV reception is very good.

    Recently, the picture/sound when watching live TV via the PVR or watching current (but not old) recordings has shown what I can best describe as periodic 'stuttering' - a brief break-up/pixellation of picture and a glitch in sound, before programme continues as usual. When I switch on (i.e. select PVR input from TV), I usually get the 'channel scrambled' message until I select a channel or playback. Also, there seems to be an increasing tendency for the machine operation to be interrupted by the 'loader' process, often as a recording is ending. I have restored default settings and retuned but these problems remain.

    Is there any obvious reason/remedy for these issues, please? I could obtain and fit another hard drive if necessary but my guess is a fault in the tuning electronics. I believe Humax used some poor components (capacitors) and wonder if this is relevant.


    | Sun 9 Dec 2018 15:02:43 #1 |
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    I had a 9300t until earlier this year (since 2011). The only idea I have is to unplug it for a while (say 5-10 minutes). I found when I had problems that quite often corrected things. So it's worth a try

    I spoke to Humax over the phone about some of the problems I was having with it and they explained that the part for it where no longer made. I'm not very techy myself but someone might be able to help you more in ways that you might be able to fix it yourself if the unplugging method has no joy.

    If you do have to buy a new one, I now have a 5000t now, and it took a bit of time to get used to after having my 9300t for years but it's a good machine and recording 4 programmes at once is great.

    | Sun 9 Dec 2018 17:54:13 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Puffer - 21 hours ago  » 
    Recently, the picture/sound when watching live TV via the PVR or watching current (but not old) recordings has shown what I can best describe as periodic 'stuttering' - a brief break-up/pixellation of picture and a glitch in sound, before programme continues as usual.

    What is the signal strength and quality as reported by the Humax on channels that give problems?

    | Mon 10 Dec 2018 12:19:02 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle - 29 minutes ago

    What is the signal strength and quality as reported by the Humax on channels that give problems?

    I have just checked all main channels I frequently record or watch thru PVR (1,2,3,4,5,9,81) and all are showing 78-80% strength and 100% quality. I receive via either Bluebell Hill or Tunbridge Wells relay - both being in same alignment from me. No issues with TV reception or with another TV and a second Humax 9300T in another room on different aerial.

    After I restored defaults, I did initiate energy-saving in stand-by but have done nothing else since my first post (not even unplugged as suggested above). Strangely, the reception issue was not evident last night (apart of course on playback of earlier but recent recordings). Puzzling.

    | Mon 10 Dec 2018 12:58:52 #4 |
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    Have you had any particularly bad windy/rainy weather lately? I'm pretty sure that can have an impact on signal quality.

    | Mon 10 Dec 2018 14:39:29 #5 |
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    Weather recently has been mixed, with some heavy rain and high wind for several hours on some days, but nothing really unusual and no adverse effect on any of our TVs that I recall.

    | Mon 10 Dec 2018 15:20:49 #6 |
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    Oh OK, I had hoped that might be the problem and would be an easy fix for you as we have no control over the weather

    | Mon 10 Dec 2018 15:37:35 #7 |
  8. Trev


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    Puffer - 3 hours ago  » 
    I receive via either Bluebell Hill or Tunbridge Wells relay - both being in same alignment from me.

    Which one? Having a mix of transmitters in the tuning has caused problems on other boxes.
    Find the best one and manual tune the MUXs so that you only have the stuff from one transmitter.

    | Mon 10 Dec 2018 16:03:31 #8 |
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    Christina2018 - 40 minutes ago  » 
    Oh OK, I had hoped that might be the problem and would be an easy fix for you as we have no control over the weather

    Surely it would only be an 'easy fix' if I could control the weather!

    | Mon 10 Dec 2018 16:18:18 #9 |
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    Trev - 15 minutes ago  » 

    Puffer - 3 hours ago  » 
    I receive via either Bluebell Hill or Tunbridge Wells relay - both being in same alignment from me.

    Which one? Having a mix of transmitters in the tuning has caused problems on other boxes.
    Find the best one and manual tune the MUXs so that you only have the stuff from one transmitter.

    I'm not sure which channels come from which transmitter but a 'mix' has never previously given rise to problems with reception, which is good. I can try the selective manual tuning although I'm not sure how to do it.

    | Mon 10 Dec 2018 16:21:06 #10 |

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