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9300T issues

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    Martin Liddle

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    Puffer - 1 hour ago  » 

    I can try the selective manual tuning although I'm not sure how to do it.

    The Digital UK reception predictor is at There is a FAQ article on manual tuning on this Forum at

    | Mon 10 Dec 2018 18:17:57 #11 |
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    Many thanks, Martin, and others for suggestions and info.

    For reasons that elude me, the 'stuttering' seems to have stopped for the last 24 hours or so, having been an intermittent problem for several weeks. I don't know why, but fingers crossed for no further problems. So, I don't propose to do anything more unless and until - in which case I'll certainly try the manual tuning.

    The predictor suggests that I should get everything with a good signal from Tunbridge Wells, and I may in fact be doing so. (If I understand correctly, TW is being or has been upgraded, so maybe this has affected my reception.) But I know that in the past there were some progs that were from Bluebell Hill.

    | Mon 10 Dec 2018 22:58:07 #12 |
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    Puffer - 1 day ago  » 

    Christina2018 - 40 minutes ago  » 
    Oh OK, I had hoped that might be the problem and would be an easy fix for you as we have no control over the weather

    Surely it would only be an 'easy fix' if I could control the weather!

    I meant it's an easy fix in the respect if it's not your box and there is nothing you can do about it then once the weather cleared then things would settle down for you. Whereas technological intermittent faults are harder to sort sometimes.

    | Wed 12 Dec 2018 11:17:29 #13 |
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    Glad it's sorted itself out for you :-), hopefully it'll last a good few more years. Out of the interest how long have you had it?

    | Wed 12 Dec 2018 11:19:58 #14 |
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    I bought the Humax 9300T in May 2011, direct from Humax as a refurbed unit. I had some problems with the hard drive in around 2014 (bad segments) and spoke to Humax about it. Whilst telling me that such a fault was (allegedly) 'rare', Humax was totally uninterested in helping me unless I paid £100 or so for a repair. So, I replaced the drive myself (which now gives occasional trouble likewise but is still usable).

    I also bought another 9300T (used but vgc) in 2014 and this is in another room and occasionally used.

    In all, I am pleased with these machines but have never found Humax helpful when problems arise.

    | Wed 12 Dec 2018 12:11:32 #15 |
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    That's interesting to hear. I had my 9300 from new in 2011 (because of the digital switch over). It worked well for years but did have a few issues I worked around, for example the EPG only filling in for 3 days for channels other than ones you left the box on a channel from that multiplex (hope that makes sense), the sound skipping slightly on some programmes which pausing sometimes helped. I had numerous times of pulling the plug too to fix things, like when BBC1 didn't record sound for a few days or one multiplex kept losing signal. What was the end for me was that I couldn't put it in standby anymore (or it lose power) without it losing all my settings and recording schedule (luckily recorded programmes were always still there). I used it everyday and the hard drive was always OK, seems I was very lucky in that respect. I did love the box and it was usually fairly reliable. I hope yours continues for many years to come

    | Thu 13 Dec 2018 9:44:09 #16 |
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    I have the same issue with the EPG not populating very far ahead unless the right channel is left 'on'. I believe this is a common fault and, although annoying (e.g. if setting up recordings before a holiday absence), it doesn't prevent use. I don't leave the unit in standby, but occasionally I do need to switch off/on to reboot it.

    It is easy to change the hard drive and new or used units can be bought readily on eBay for £20 or so (at least, they could when I last needed one). A few bad segments is just about acceptable but there comes a time when replacement becomes necessary.

    | Thu 13 Dec 2018 9:54:59 #17 |
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    Yes I replaced mine with the 5000t, it took some getting used to but I like it now. Recording four programmes is very handy.

    Yes I think the EPG is a common issue, I just used to leave it on certain channels and then set my recordings, wasn't too much hassle, something I got used to and became the norm.

    I'm not very techy so not sure I would have been able to change the hard drive I rang Humax once it kept losing my settings and recording schedule and they explained the parts were no long available as they'd stopped making them some time ago.

    I've read a lot online about people saying the 9300 is one of the best that's been made, as it was my first Freeview recorder I didn't realise it was the so good as had nothing to compare it to but I'm pleased it was.

    | Thu 13 Dec 2018 10:11:29 #18 |
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    Puffer - 1 week ago  » 
    I have the same issue with the EPG not populating very far ahead unless the right channel is left 'on'.

    Being tuned to more than 1 transmitter can make this worse.
    To tune to just 1 transmitter see

    If you want to reduce the gaps even further or even eliminate them all together then use the manual tuning instructions, but instead of tuning to 5 multiplexes you only tune 4 multiplexes (dropping the one you are least likely to want to watch)

    These two techniques work because the 8300T is only able to hold about 14,500 events in total and the number broadcast against SD channels exceeded this back in 2012, and continued to grow exasperating the issue when ever anyone retuned and the PVR became aware of more channels.

    Note that deleting channels during, or after, a retune has absolutely no impact on removing the gaps in the epg. It has to be a whole multiplex missed from tuning to reduce or eliminate the gaps.

    | Wed 26 Dec 2018 13:47:11 #19 |

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