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9300T Remote Control Stopped Working

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    Humax 9300T
    Version: 1.00.26
    Sys ID: 3023.0000
    Location: Portsmouth Area, UK

    Earlier this week we were prompted to do a re-tune of all channels. So we did it. And since then, the remote control has stopped working.

    The STB still works though, we can view channels and enter the guide & menu by using the buttons on the front of the STB.

    I checked the SW version, and it's all up to date.

    I've read on an old thread of this happening before. The solution was to upgrade, no good for me as I'm on the latest version of s/w already. Also they mentioned removing the aerial and then power the STB up, but this didn't work either.

    I also tried to do a manual retune but I can't get into the installation menu as I need to enter the passcode... not possible when the remote isn't working!

    BTW, we checked the obvious... replacing the batteries in the remote with known good batteries.

    Can anyone offer any advice to get things working again?


    | Sat 22 Sep 2012 19:48:55 #1 |
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    I'm on a different transmitter (Oxford) but have the same setup, and I think problem.

    Just got back from hol (turned my Humax 9300T off whilst I was away - what a dummy)

    Only thing I can say is temporarily drop out the batteries from your handset to get that working (so you can enter the passcode)

    I've tried the manual re-tune and that did no good (that I can see yet).

    Important: Still need to try power off for x1 hour (only done 1/2 hour so far).

    Wondering perhaps if time for another firmware upgrade for some strange reason (I seem to have latest 1.00.26 as you have).

    I do note there is some problem with capacitor failure:

    Need some more time to read all that (whilst I'm OK with electronics not sure I fancy a DIY repair on something that is left switched on all day)

    At the moment I think my money is on the capacitor HOWEVER can anybody give an opinion: In my case it is JUST the handset that locks up (the PVR very occasionally fails to record something - but not often enough to prompt action)

    Humax please comment on the above. Aside: I've been using a newer model on hol and whilst I might buy one, I'd only do so if you were prepared to give a full explanation behind all the troubles people are having.


    | Sat 22 Sep 2012 22:13:06 #2 |
  3. Biggles


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    I have no idea why your remote controls are not working but no amount of Automatic Search, Manual Search, rebooting with the aerial removed, software upgrades or switching OFF for hours (where does that come from?) will repair it.

    EDIT: Look at the transmitting end of the remote control with a digital camera while pressing a button on the remote, if you can see the transmitter LED flashing then the chances are that the remote control is working and the problem lies somewhere else.

    | Sat 22 Sep 2012 22:24:36 #3 |
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    Hi Biggles. Thanks for the quick response.

    I went down the route of upgrades/retune/aerial removal after seeing the posts when this happened before.

    Wasn't aware of the digital camera trick though. And this has revealed something wrong. I can't see anything light up when pressing the buttons.

    I tried the same on the TV remote and this does light up.

    So it's maybe a coincidence that this happened right after a re-tune. So back to google search to see what I can do with the remote.

    Thanks again for the response. Hope you get your issue sorted too Vince.


    | Sun 23 Sep 2012 8:45:45 #4 |
  5. Biggles


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    It is strange that the remote packed up after the retune but the two really aren't connected so must just be a coincidence. Somebody a few weeks ago reported remote problems and changed the batteries to no avail, it turned out that the replacement batteries were also duff. I note though that you say your replacement batteries were known to be good. It might be a good idea to try new ones as different equipment have different working thresholds to battery voltage. Check that the contacts on the batteries and in the remote are clean.

    | Sun 23 Sep 2012 9:07:43 #5 |
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    Batteries are good. I've tried quite a few batteries straight from the packaging. Checked them with a battery tester and they all report as being good.

    The battery contacts are clean too.

    I've taken the remote control apart and cannot see any damage. It's a bit dirty inside which I tried to clean up. Still no luck.

    I think splashing out some cash on a new remote control might be needed.

    | Sun 23 Sep 2012 14:05:12 #6 |

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